Adopted by Hamiltom One Shots!

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So this is a one-shot I'm writing for Abi_Fanzel , JennH2000 because her books are awesome, and it would be so cool to have a chapter in her book. Also side note, Italics represents the nervousness in their voices nonitalics means calmness or slightly calm

Abi's POV
"Come on Betsy, just close your eyes and go to sleep." I was rocking my daughters cradle back and forth. She hasn't gone to sleep in four hours.

"Shhh, Shhh." I rubbed my eyes. But then the crying stopped. I opened my eyes like it was some religious act, and whispered, "Yes! She's done it!" I made sure not to say it to loudly, and I snuck downstairs.

 "You finally got her to stop crying Niñita?" Lin was wearing his bathrobe and was holding a coffee mug. He smirked at me.


 "Yes, I did dad. It wasn't that hard either." We both stuck our tongues out at each other, then we laughed.

"Being a parent is hard, ain't it." Lin slurped his coffee, and I scoffed.

  "Kinda." Lin chuckled, but then the doorbell rang.

"Here Abi, go lay down I'll get the door." Lin slowly rose, and I went to relax and watch The Office.

  "Hi yes, I'm here for Abigal Walter." I heard a snake of a voice say.

I stood up quickly and crept into the hallway.

"And who may you be?" Lin asked. He was afraid. It was just that horrific tension in the year.

"Well, I would tell you, but I'm pretty sure you'd jump on me." Nicks voice narrowed and I ran upstairs to protect Betsy. He would never lay a single snake hand that he has on my daughter. The voices were faint now.


"Just tell me your name boy." I could make out Lin saying those words.

  "Lin it's Nick!" I wanted to scream. But I couldn't.


  "Nick Walter." I tried to see if I could make out any other movements or voices but I couldn't. So I walked back downstairs.


  "Yes Sir, I know I shouldn't be approaching this home, but I've come to ask for something."


"And why in the name of  everything I love would I give something to you." I wanted to but in and slap Nick in the face so bad.

  "Let's just say it's for legal purposes..." I could hear Nick step inside and he was walking towards the living room. Where I was hiding.

  "Ah! Abigal! It's been a while..."  Nick cackled. I couldn't breathe, and Lin ran towards me in case I passed out.


  "Hello, Nick." I say emotionless.

He snickered.

"Well, we should save the welcomes, because I need to head back soon." Lin shook his head violently and shoved him against the wall.

"What.Do.You.Want" Lin coldly whispered in his ear.


  "I'll explain so you don't ask me any questions...." He laughed, "When my parents fostered you, they signed a contract saying that whenever you had a child, the child would be handed down to my family. And since both my parents are in jail, and the contract wasn't turned over in court, I am technically your child's father." I couldn't believe this. Betsy already had Luke as a father, she will not have Nick as her father either.


"And you spoke to a lawyer about this?" Lin dropped him from the wall. My voice calmed down slightly.


"Yes sir, and he said I can request half custody if you don't want to turn around the contract." Nick looked at me and I cowered.

"Nick why would I ever give custody to the man who assaulted me, and was best friends with Betsy's abusive father." He laughed again and I just wanted to scream.

 "Those are only two reasons Punkin. Not enough to win in court. Now I want to meet my child." He held his hands out like a greedy pig. I stood in place. Lin ran over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Niñita he won't hurt her if you bring her downstairs." Lin whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I went upstairs to get her.

"Come on Betsy, I have to take you down to this cruel man." Betsy's blank face stared up at me. I placed my hand on her shoulder and carried her downstairs to find Nick holding out his hands.

"Ahhh there is the Pequeña perra. I had to pick up a new languge . Courts orders." Nick laughed.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY CHILD LIKE THAT YOU -" I screamed and was about to throw myself on Nick. Lin stopped me.

"I think you should leave." Lin huffed and looked down. Nick didn't say another word.

The minute  he shut the door I looked at Lin.

"No," I whispered. I got on my knees and cried.



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