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The day Ocean "supposedly" woke up from surgery
Oceans POV
I threw off my covers sweating and crying. An unfamiliar hand touched my shoulder.
"Let go! Get off me! Help!" I screamed, crying.
Where was my dad, Where was Lin!
"Someone get my dad! Call Lin-Manuel Miranda!"
The nurses looked at each other.
"Your father isn't here...."
My breathing slowed.
"What do you mean he's not here? He promised me he'd stay! He promised!" I screamed and the nurses ran out. Before I knew it Carter came in. He ran towards me and stroked his hand on my cheek.
"Hey, calm down your ok..."
"No! There here Carter there here," I sobbed my ears ringing.
  "Whose here?" Carter continued to stroke my face and check for fever.
   "Them!" I cried, shaking like a maniac.
Carter grabbed my arms and kissed my forehead.
Lins POV
Of course I felt bad about leaving ocean at the hospital, but I felt worse when I got the call.
  "Carter?" I picked up the phone at three in the morning.
"I'm sorry to bother you Mr Miranda , its about Ocean."
I climbed out of bed, .
  "What happened!"
"I don't exactly know exactly, she started screaming and says the Fredricks came to her, and I dunno?" He mumbled.
  "Carter, the Fredricks are the people that abused her," I said clearly annoyed. If he were such a good friend he would know that.
  "I'm so sorry I-" he stumbled but I interrupted.
  "If you wanna stay, stay. But I'm on my way."
Ray (Nurse)
I'm fresh outta college for Pete's sake. I can't waltz into work and see a man strangling a 16 year old girl right? Wrong. I had an early shift and all I wanted to do was eat my bagel and wait for a patient to come in. But I had to check on patients who had recently gotten surgery to make sure there, well, not dead. When I saw that man on that poor girls throught I could've run. But I stayed. I picked up the surgical knife from beside me.
"Step away from the girl sir," I shouted. The man slowly took his hands off her neck .He climbed out of the nearest window and hurried out.
I called the police.

Im not sure how I like how I made this sorta scary.... but it gave me chills..I dunno

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