The Show and Organizing

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"I'm sorry Lin." I said as we walked into an old dressing room at the Richard Rodgers. That would be my home until Lin found room in his apartment across the street.
"No need to be sorry!" He flopped onto a beanbag that was already there, "Here, why don't you unpack?"
I looked around the room and found a dresser. I took out my clothes, and my wicked poster.
Lin raised an eyebrow. "That's it? I'll have the girls take you shopping after the show!" I beamed.
  "Really! Thank you!" I hugged him.
"I'll come back over with one of Vanessa's old dresses. You get used to your room now." He shut the door, and I screamed for the fact that I was going to see Hamilton.
"Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton," was my favorite lines of the first song.
"Bruh,Bruh, I'm Hercules Mulligan," was really catchy.
Lin told me that I had to listen to my shot carefully because it took him over a year to make.
The story of Tonight was really good and that's coming from a fast hip hop person.
The Schuyler sisters is my favorite song. I probably am like Angelica because I'm a social butterfly, Eliza because to be honest, before Lin was my dad I had a huge crush on Lin and Alexander, and Peggy because she is sassy.
Farmer Refuted was kinda boring.
You'll be back was so funny. When Jonathen used his King George walk I broke out laughing.
Helpless made me so happy. I don't know why but it is so good.
Satisfied was Amazing. Renée was an amazing rapper.
Stay Alive was sad. No other words.
Meet me inside made me so scared  that Lin would be fired.
That would be enough, was so.... Awesome! I couldn't breathe.
Guns and Ships was on and I couldn't be happier.
What comes next was so funny. No one can have words for Jonathen.
I never understood Dear Theodosia.
Tomorrow there will be more of us .*SOB
What I'd miss was funny seeing the terrible fushia suit Jefferson wore.
Cabinet battle#1 *YAY
Take a break was really cool considering they have a very tall nine year old.
Say no to this made me cry. It was terrible but Jasmines voice was amazing.
The room where it happens is really catchy and mysterious.
I know him.*Dieing of Laughter.
Hurricane was so COOL!
The Reynolds pamphlet was sad but really catchy.
Burn.......Mascara stains.
Blow us all away. Gaaaaaa.
In stay alive reprise I made contact eye with Lin and Pippa. At this point my mascara dropped down my face, my hair fell from its style, My heels broke, and my dress ripped. I was a mess of emotions.
I got up and left for its quiet uptown.
I came back at the end of Election of 1800.
I died (and Hamilton) in If the world was wide enough.
Who lives who does who tells your story, made me happy, sad, angry.
When they took bows I gave standing ovations.
"Well Taylor, I never knew my music could do that to someone." Lin said giggling.
"Yeah, well it's good. What can I say?" I replied.
"You need a spa day tomorrow girl." Renée said coming up behind us.
"Lin?" I questioned to him.
He shrugged.
I ran up and hugged him.
"Thanks for being amazing ." I told him.
I watched him smile then run off.
"I know it's late but you need some care, and I want to know what you thought of the show." Jazzy said.
"Jaz , how do you have such an amazing voice!" I questioned.
"Lots and lots and lots of work." She replied smiling.
My face was green. Only because of the mask.
"We should take the mask off ," Jazzy said.
So we peeled the mask off and I had zero blemishes.
"Flawless!" Phillipa snapped her fingers.
I giggled.
"Ok we don't care what you say were sleeping over." Renée said running onto my bed.
"What'd ya think of the show ?"Phillipa asked.
"Amazing . It was a dream come true." I replied.
Jazzy flipped into my bed.
"Have any crushes?" She said ,wiggling her eyebrows, making everyone laugh.
"Actually I have a boyfriend named, Liam. But between us, before Lin was my dad, I was madly in love with him."
"Oh my god." The girls laughed.
Oh The rest of the night was incredible

Oh my gosh I have 336 reads. YYYYAAAAYY! Thanks you so much following people.
Thank you so much. The characters are doing a Q and A so leave questions please I really want to do a Q and A
Baii !

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