Don't Let him get to you

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"Taylor , can we talk to you?" Vanessa asked.
I nodded and walked over.
"That screenshot you sent me....." Lin said.
"Yeah. Kyle. " I said.
"We just wanted to tell you, don't let him get to you. You are not a pity project. Liam does Love you and you are not a loser ." Vanessa said.
"Thanks guys," I said hugging them, then running outside to school ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"Hey Tay," Gabby said.
"Hey Tay Tay," said a mocking voice .
"Go away Kyle." Gabby said.
"Nope," he said shoving me to the concrete .
"You.Worthless.Child." He said, in between each word he took the time to kick me.
Don't let him get to you T, Don't let him get to you.
"Please stop Kyle." I begged.
"Nope." He said pulling me to the ground then pushing me down again.
"Hey! Get off of her!" I heard Anthony scream.
But everything went black.
I fluttered my eyes open and I found myself in a hospital room.
"Where am-" I asked.
"Oh my god your alive, Thank you God, She's alive." Lin said hugging me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Kyle continued to kick you and throw you to the ground. Anthony came to pick you up from school since We need to say bye to Vanessa at the airport. He shoved Kyle off of you, yelled a lot, then brought you here." Lin explained.
I tried to sit up, but pain flooded through my body.
"OW!" I yelped.
"Don't sit up. You suffered a lot of injuries." He told me.
"As in..." I asked.
" Broken Leg, Ribs, nose, and sprained back. You were also in a 1 week coma."
"Wow." I said.
"I know. V sends best wishes. She can't come since she's in Mexico. Oh! I have to call her to tell her your awake. And the whole cast."
So he got up a came back 4 minutes later.
"I get to miss rehearsal." He said, almost happy.
"Cool!" I replied smiling.
"We also decided on the record label," Lin told me.
"Don't I have to sing?"
"Yeah, we sent videos of you singing from school." He told me right as Daveed walked in.
"Hey kid. This Kyle kid. Never Let him get to you. You are way to amazing for him. Oh, hey did you look at the notes ?" He asked.
I shook my head and he handed them to me. I began to read them in my head.
Dear Taylor,
You are a beautiful girl, and this Kyle kid, doesn't know how much of an idiot he is. Don't let him get to you.
Dear Tay,
I got you chocolate but I ate it all . I bought another one, and Leslie ate them all. Definitely Leslie. So I bought you something nobody could eat. I got you a bear. Get better soon,
Jazzies made my day.
Dear Taylor,
I have no words for this Kyle kid. Who thinks it's Okay to verbally and physically abuse a young girl. The world isn't fair, and unfortunately the world is big enough for the both of you. Don't let him get to you Peggy Schyluer.
                                          Maria Reynolds
Dear Taylor ,
All I can say is to feel better. Your going to get the average, your so beautiful, and don't let him get to you. None of those words is affective. So all I can say is get better.
Renée and Pippa.I wanted to save the rest for tonight. I started crying.
"I'm that important to you?" I asked.
They nodded and hugged me.
"Don't let him get to you Sunshine." Lin said.
Sorry if this is sad. I just wanted to write what can happen when you bully someone. Leave comments.

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