Rough Day

501 13 15

This is gonna be a shorter chapter by a little because I'm tired school is blah :)

Ocean POV
I dragged my feet into school after finishing up someone of Riverdale with my dad.
"Osh?" Abi said a snickered and me, literally, dragging my feet.
I glared at her jokingly, and trudged away. I didn't want to be offensive to anybody, I just didn't want to be there.
  "Your late Ocean." My Math teacher said, stopping his lesson. I rolled my eyes when I noticed everyone was looking at me.
  "By 3 minutes,"  I raised an eyebrow, this was pathetic.
He groaned, "get a late pass." I groaned, and stormed to the office. Why does rain make everything gloomy?
"Hi," I smiled, "may I have a late pass please?" I smiled nicely at the old women inside the office.
"I'm sorry, we aren't giving passes at this time sweetie." The women placed a hand on my arm, but I walked away.
"Mr Smith, there not giving passes!" I yelled and threw open his door.
    "Don't yell in my classroom Ocean! I'm trying to teach!" The man yelled back and pointed to an empty seat. In the back of the room.
    "Mr Smith I cant read the board from back there!" I glared at him.
Since I received no response , I threw my bag down and listened to his lesson.
  "What the heck is a linear equation?" I questioned raising my hand; but then I realized Mr Smith was probably in a bad mood.
(True- mean teachers wonder why kids don't ask questions and then don't do well- they yell and scream :/ )
"Ocean!" Aaron Mathews shook my shoulder and I jumped out of my daze.
  "Oh, um, I'm sorry...."  I mumbled and fiddled with my hair.
   He laughed. "Class is over." He grabbed his bag and I realized I was the only person in the room. Embarrassed, I ran out of the room and to lunch.
  "Gabby!" I sighed in relief when I say my Best Friend sitting at our lunch table.
   "Talk to me gorgeous." Gabby said once I sat down.
   "I hate today." I picked at the mush on my plate and sighed.
"Everything just seems to be going so bad." I shrugged.
   "Well, I hope I can make that better." She smiled, and I smiled back.
    Then someone tapped my shoulder.
I whipped around.
  "Ocean can I talk to you?" He mumbled .
"Common Please? I need to explain myself." He pleaded.
   I looked him dead straight in the eye and said loudly, "Explain what Liam, that you cheated on me with a women made out of plastic?" That got a few stares.
   "Ocean," he grabbed my arm, but I shoved away.
   "Whatever you wanna say, Society can hear to." I said even louder, and picking up my lemonade behind me with anyone looking.
"Ocean, I made a mistake," I heard people whispering, " I want you back."
I tisked. "Uh-uh." I dumped the lemonade over his head and walked out of the cafeteria.

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