School Carnival Part 1

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             Btw I am on a float and writing this .

Oceans POVAbout 3 days after my "friendly," run in with Kyle, I got an invitation to the school carnival

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Oceans POV
About 3 days after my "friendly," run in with Kyle, I got an invitation to the school carnival. Now in most schools everyone gets invited to school carnivals, but here at Beacon, only the most successful get in. If I remember correctly, they want it to be a break for us.
Lin came walking down the stairs.
"Oh, Lin, guess what?" I had made him eggs an hour before, so I scrambled,(haha,Get it, SCRAMBLED!?) over to his seat.
"Awww Eggs!? Thank you Niñita." He stuffed his face with the eggs.
"I got invited to the Principles School Carnival!" I squealed.
"Oh my gosh! That's so Amazing!!" He squealed with me, and then I began laughing.
"You don't know what that is do you.." I raised my eyebrows.
"No, Not even the slightest clue."
It's basically a Carnival for accomplished kids." I stated probably 26% awake.
"That's cool! Hey do you want to go dress shopping with the girls before you go?" He asked.
"Well yeah sure, but why?"
"The Grammys are in 2 weeks..." he looked over at me smiling.
"Shoot, I forgot! I need to get ready ASAP!" I hurried upstairs not even remembering that I have school today.
"Wait!! Ocean! Today's a Friday!" Li whisper yelled up the stairs.
He was right . I still had one more day of school left before I was free.
(My hand is currently cramped so if the writing is bad it's because my hand can't move to make complex good words)
I threw on an oversized, purple, t-shirt, and a long pair of nude boots. Leslie got me them for my birthday. I threw my hair in a messy bun, and decided to go makeup free.
  "By Lin!" I yelled, and ran out the door.
It was strange feeling to think that I went from being a poor, abused , and broken girl, to be a 3 time Grammy nominee.
"Yo Gabs!" I yelled running towards her.
"Hey Ocean," I high fived her.
"Did you get invited to the carnival?" I asked, cause it would mean nothing if she weren't with me.
"Nah....Oce, you now I'm not exactly the "smartest person," her eyes narrowed, but then she laughed.
"It's fine... My Parents are to focused on my older brother Kevin anyway. He's applying to Doctor School to be a Surgeon." She shrugged it off as we walked to History. I looked a her, long blonde hair, skimpy crop tops, "booty" shorts, and massive heels, and then her brother, soft brown hair,  big smile, A+ student. But it's not my business to invade her life.
    I decided to sit in the back of the class today, we weren't really working on anything.
    About half way into period 1 I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Sarah, Nick Walters Ex girlfriend.
   "Hey Dog Breath," Sarah is the Schools biggest punk/beauty,seeing she has won beauty pageants , but also ditches class almost everyday.
"What do you want." I spun back around to face the teacher while she was talking.
"I just want to know why your anorexic." She shrugged, clearly careless.
"Excuse me!? Why do you know and care?" I whisper screamed.
" Are you serious? You do know I sit behind you in class right? I can see all the sizes of your clothes. You've literally gone down like 9 sizes." She laughed.
"What more do you want?" I groaned. She already knew about my Anorexia, nothing else could come from that.
"You'll do ... ANYTHING?" She smiled a sly, tricky smile, and I nodded. But what I didn't know was coming, was that she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the hallway and handed me a list of questions .
"What's this for?" My eyes widened as I read over the questions.
"Kyle Fredricks wants it. Something to use against you." She shrugged.
"I'm not doing this..." I backed away. Sarah whipped around, grabbed my throat, and shoved me against a wall.
"Ocean!" I heard London yell my name.
"Wait what!?" I yelled back.
" You fainted in class while screaming SARAH NO STOP. I drove you home." She said, and I looked around. There was soup everywhere along with warm blankets.
           "Well I'm fine now. Thank you London." I smiled.
      "Lorel." She smiled.
"What?" She smiled again.
      "My real name is Lorel."
   I smiled, but didn't reply.
      "I should go," London got up and left before I could even say thank you.

   "How about this one?" Renne asked. She held up a long flowy blue dress, with sparkles in a diagonal cross down the side.
"How about this one?" Groff held up a float red one, with a red silk V-neck. Almost like the one Rhiannon wore in 2014. Groff volunteered to do dress shopping because he had "nothing else to do."
"These ones are the only 2 on the
budget your dad gave us." I decided to take the red one. It was really pretty anyway.
This was going to be 20 pages but then I felt bad for not posting in a while

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