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Oceans POV

"Hey, I have to go get ready to go perform," Liam nodded. The Grammys were almost over, and surprisingly, nothing interesting has happened. I've predicted all the people that have won.

    "I'd like to apologize to everyone here about what family guy has said about you," A man I don't know said. He was here to announce the award for best musical cast album.

       "Hey," Vanessa nudged me on the shoulder, "You're father wants you backstage with him before you get ready."  I smiled and nodded, then walked backstage.
       "Niñita! Welcome to the magic!" Dad showed me his best jazz hands, and I laughed.
          "Dad, I've been backstage before!" Dad pulled me into a big hug.                                                                  "You look beautiful sunshine." I'm pretty sure he was refering to the sparkling black dress I had on, but I wouldn't say it was, "beautiful."                                                                                                                "Are you nervous? I mean, I bet you'll win, but still." I lied. I knew they were going to win.  All of the other nominees were fine, but Hamilton. Hamilton saved a helpless little girl.

"And the winner is...Hamilton!" The announcer yelled with a smile on his face. But I was drowned out by the noise. Cheers erupted in the audience, and the cast bolted on cheering as loud as they could. And I stood there, proud to be related to them. Anthony held up a Puerto Rican flag, and Dad began his speech.

"...And thank you to my daughter Ocean, the reason we are here, and the reason we are happy everyday."


"And the winner of best pop album goes to..." Taylor Swift spike into the microphone gently.
I crossed my fingers, and prayed. Dad rapped me in a big hug, as well as Jazzy.
     "Ocean Miranda, The Year of My Life."
  Dad jumped up and down, and began shaking, (mostly because Dad was jumping,) Pippa was squealing, and I was crying tears of joy. I felt a push on stage, and before I knew it, a Grammy was being placed in my hands.
     "Wow, I don't really know what to do know, I didn't prepare a speech." That got a few laughs from the audience.
      "I just want to the thank the cast of Hamilton, my family, friends, and so much more. Thank you Vanessa for being at my side, even in the nights when I crawl into your bed and cry, and even though I still call you Vanessa, not mom, is because you are more then that to me. And Liam, Liam is my brother, husband, child, and my everything. Even though we have only dated for 6 months, I love him so much. Thank you to my most loyal friend Gabi, who has stayed by my side through my abuse. Thank you Dad. Li Manuel Miranda is a man who saves poor little girls off the street. He makes them feel loved and helps them smile through there scars. My Dad has helped me in my courage to find happiness. So thank you dad. I love you more then anything. And finally, Thank you to all of you. This is a message for everyone. You don't have to be afraid to stick for yourselves, you don't have to be afraid of the world. I personally am suffering through anorexia, and cancer, and I was abused as a child. And I didn't speak up. Now I'm stuck in this world hating every inch of my body just because I couldn't say help. So no matter if you have an illness, a disorder, or an eating disorder, there are 8,000,000 people in the world. At least one is listening. And that's starts with you. Thank you."

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