Date Night

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So I had won the trip to Paris. I felt quite accomplished with myself, seeing I got $10,000.

As the Paparazzi bombarded me with questions I saw Chris behind the corner. His hand was motioning to come forward. I needed to slip past the Paparazzi, so I said the first thing that came to my head.


I ran around the corner and and Chris high fived me.

"Kylie dude?" He laughed.

"What? She's cool and very famous, so...." I couldn't even finish my thought before I saw Liam run around the corner and scoop me up.

"Hey babe." He said just before he kissed me.

"Hey! How'd you get up here!?" I exclaimed.

"Um,"He looked around,"I took the elevator.." I snickered and we both snickered.

"Oh I got you a Thanksgiving gift." He pulled out a velvet box and handed it to me.

Inside revealed a gorgeous diamond ring.

"Oh my goodness! Liam thank you! But, how did you afford this?" I slipped it on in awe.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that we're spending Thanksgiving together! Your Dads invited me to your Thanksgiving celebration." We both smiled joyfully.

"Hey yo Love birds. Lin says that since its going to take a while to get home and set up the games you can go on a little date night if you want." Anthony spun around the corner.

"Thanks Anthony." I nodded to show my affection.

"No problem, but one, Nice ring dude, like holy cow. Two, you have to be at the Rodgers by 4. Jazzys plane left 1 hour ago and you need to fill in for her." He replied and swung back around the corner.

Still smiling, I asked,"Where do you want to go?"

"I know the perfect place to get some lunch. Want to go there?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure! Just... can I change first?" I noted my horrible, ugly sweats.

He laughed. "Of course."


We drove home in his car and ran inside. I quickly curled my hair and threw on some makeup.The only dress date worthy that I owned was in the wash so I snuck into Vanessa's room. Her closet was beautiful.
I pulled out a sparkley dress and threw it on. After I threw it on I realized why I haven't seen her wear it, and only in pictures of when she was my age.
It showed every curve in my body, and it made me quite uncomfortable. But I ran outside and into Liam's car.

"Hey beautiful. So it's 1:00 now, so let's get going." He put his foot on the gas pedal and we sped away.

"Liam what about the paparazzi? They follow me everywhere these days." I was nervous, since he always found publicity but he never liked it.

"It's fine. The paparazzi can't be blamed. Your gorgeous. " He shrugged as we walked into the restraunt. It was the fanciest restraunt in New York.

"Carter. Liam Carter Please." William tapped the seating desk.

"Ahh Mr and Mrs Carter, am I correct?" The man asked.

"No-" But I cut Liam off.

"No but one day we hope to be happily married. But right now it's just Taylor Hamilton and Liam Carter." I could already see the paparazzi through the window.

"Oh I'm sorry. I just saw that ring... Oh well . Please follow me." He grabbed our menus while I felt very uncomfortable. How many people think that we're married? I'm only 15! I sat across from Liam with a candle on the left of us.

"So your in Hamilton now?" Liam asked while we waited for our drinks.

"Yeah I'm Jazzys new understudy . Het and Anthony are getting married, and she's visiting her sick mother." I replied.

"So I get to see you again as Mariah Reynolds later?" He smiled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Let's just say I got a job to afford tickets to see you tonight!" He cheered as I squealed.

"Yay! You'll finally get to hear me sing!" My voice was so much better now, and he's never heard me sing.

"I'm really excited to see you!"  He said just before our drinks came.

"One Water, and One Sprit." The waitress handed our drinks.

"Thank you." Liam nodded to our server while she stared at me.

"Are you....Taylor Hamilton?" She gawked.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Oh.My.Gosh. Me... Destiny Harlem. Your biggest fan." She smiled and was quite jumpy.

"Oh that's so sweet! Do you want a picture?" Lin taught me to always ask for an autograph or picture.

"Oh my, are you serious? Please!" She pulled out her phone.

I snapped the picture and then she took our orders.
It was an incredible meal . So many fans and Snapchats, but we finished by 3:30. We drove down to the Rodgers, and I ran to my dressing room, waiting to see Liam in the audience.

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