My Sweet 16 Surprise

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Oceans POV
My party was not until 4 so I had like 20 minutes to FaceTime Abi.

"So you have cancer?" She asked for the 50,000th time.

"Ya." I changed into my dress.

"Wow." She slumped into her chair.

"Yeah." There was a long, annoying pause.

"I'm going to finish getting ready." I stated, waving goodbye and turning off my phone.

"Finally 16💘" I posted to Instagram .

@GabbytheHamiltone-That's my girl😘😘

@LiamMonahan-There's my beautiful wife.😘😘

I smiled at Liam and Is inside joke.

@burningthefandom- She's already gained back all the weight she lost!? Seriously? I mean look at her butt it MASSIVE.

This Kid..... I groaned. I heard a rapid knock on the door and I ran downstairs .

"Meg!!!" I squealed .

"Taylor!" She squealed.

She took forever to remember Taylor so I'm just going let her keep calling me that.

She ran in wearing a bright orange dress that went to the end of her thigh. It was gorgeous. Meg was my only friend at Granhm Windham.

"How are you!?" She squealed.

"Great." I sighed. Lin had stopped at the orthodontist to tighten my blue braces, and IT HURT MORE THEN BEING ABUSED. Ok not really.

Meg had long blonde hair that went down to mid-back. She wasn't very tall, only about 5'4.

Gabby, Riley,Abi, and London all ran into my room.

"SURPRISE!!!" They squealed, and held out a pair of dangly keys.

"No.Way." I was taking my driving test on Thursday, and I was pretty confident I was going to do well.

I bolted outside and saw a black Mercadiz Benz.

"Oh my gosh guys!!" I squealed.

"You like it?" They huddled toghether.

"Yeah!!! How'd you afford it?" I asked .

"Months of Chores,"

"Annoying job,"


There list continued and I realized that they did that all for me.

"Awwww guys.....Your gonna make me cry." I heard a male voice behind me.

"Liam!!" I smiled and jumped into his arms and kissed him for ten minutes.

"No wonder they call you guys married.." Riley said in the distance.

We all snickered and went in for Lin to take pictures.

"Awww my baby girl is 16...." Lin pretend cried, as we giggled.

"Ok you can go... but bring her back by 9 because the cast is coming for a family party." I heard Lin say.

"I love you Lin."

"I love you more Niñita ."
School is going to be my death.



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