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Oceans POV
Pop pop pop
I love the sound of popcorn. I was planning on binge watching Modern Family-again-cause well, it's so flipping beautiful.
Dad had dropped Sebastian off at day care a bit earlier, so I went to my bedroom and put on my favorite oversized Pink Floyd t-shirt. Then I walked back to the couch with my popcorn and phone.
Hey, the text appeared on my phone, and without turning off the T.V, I texted back.
Carter! Hey!

How's life for you mouse?

I groaned and texted back.

Awful. Real Parents. Trying to get me back.

Awww that's awful Osh. Text me whenever you want. Love you.

Love you.

(Before anyone asks, no they aren't dating, there close friends.)

I put my phone down and continued to watch the greatest show in human existence.
The door knocked a few minutes later.
"Go away! I'm trying to watch T.V." I screamed at the door. But the knocking continued. I got up from my couch uneasily. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled over to where Dad kept his knives for cooking. I grabbed the biggest one, and hid myself in my closet down the hall.
  "Go away." I whispered to myself, but the knocking just got louder. I began to cry silently-I didn't want anyone to hear me. I pulled out my phone and called Anthony, but it went straight to voicemail .
"Anthony please listen I don't know what's going on, but there's a loud knocking at the door, and I'm home alone. I'm in a closet with a butcher knife in the middle of my chest. Please tell my dad. Love you."
I turned off my phone, just as I heard the door open. My heart stopped a little, and I crouched even tighter in the corner of my closet.
  "Where are you princess?" I heard a mans voice say from across the hall.
  "Shut Up C.J, she's never going to come out that way." A woman's voice whispered. C.J? As in my dad Charles who liked to go by C.J, C.J? I had to gasp for air taking in that thought, but I regretted it when the woman threw open the closet door.
"I know you're in here...." she whispered. I didn't make a single movement except to tighten my knife.
A pair of bright blue eyes threw open the clothes that were in front of me.
"Gotcha." She smiled evilly. I swung my knife rappedly, but she missed it. She put my hands behind my back, and put a rubber ball in my mouth.
That's when the world went black.

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