Down to Buisness

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We unpacked our bags at the hotel and I stared out the window into the beautiful city. I just wanted to run out the hotel door and look around but Lin blocked my path.
"No way, remember what we came here for." I groaned and went back to my bed.
  "I've been in contact with the police over here and  they have a few leads, so they want us to go check some of them out." I nodded, horrified at what we were about  to find.

"You scared?" Lin said to me in the car. I stared at him blankly.
  "What do you think," I mumbled and pulled my sweater closer to me.
"Hey, look, we're going to get them ok?" He put his hand in my shoulder and laughed slightly.
I guess.
"We're here, " the cab driver said in Spanish. Lin thanked him and we climbed out of the cab. The police station was a lot fancier (i dunno I've never been to Spain) but part of it felt different.
  "Welcome Mr and Miss Miranda!" An officer said. I assume she knew we spoke English.
  "Good Morning. Is there any chance we could speak with the captain?" Lin asked.
   "Of course, He's waiting for you in the meeting room," She said and motioned for us to follow. Everyone in the station was either taking phone calls or running out the door.
   My mind was spaced out to the point where I could barely talk. I watched Lin shake the mans hand, and he shook mine. I smiled weakly at him.
   "So let's start off right away- We've had many people come in saying they've seen Mrs Fredrick walking to a local store called "Roses." The man said, "It's sorta like a cooking store, you know anything about that?" He looked at me.
"Oh I certainly do."

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