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Oceans POV
I finally came back to school on Monday. I can't say I missed it. My day went In this order.

1.) My alarm broke so I woke up late.
2.) The milk spoiled
3.) All my friends are on the French field trip and won't be back for three days
4.) I walked pass Liam in the hall. Twice.

The last one was a real shocker. I had completely forgotten about him and fake Bethany, and it still felt like I was being stabbed in the heart. Lunch was the real killer.

"Hey dog breath." I heard the familiar voice say from behind me. I slowly turned my head and saw the lovely Kyle Fredricks behind me.

"I see your back," he snarled.
"And I see you still have buck teeth." I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my lunch. He sat next to me.

"Do you forget your place in this world Ocean?" Kyles eyes were like a flame. And for the weirdest reason- I was water.

"No Kyle," I stood up, " I think your forgetting your place in the world. See if you think about it, I could sue you in a second. And you know why? My parents had a reason to live. Your parents don't." Kyle was below me shocked that I would ever say something.
  "Two. I'f you think about all my friends out number you and your little gang. We're taller then you too, so we look down on you."

And with that I walked to 3rd period.
"Hey Ocean?" I heard a voice say . I turned around and it was Sarah. Kyles girlfriend.
I turned back around.
"Listen I wanna apologize."
"For what? Oh you mean treating me like garbage?"I spun around and flared at her.
  "Yeah pretty much. I saw how you stood up to Kyle. That was really brave." She said.
I looked at her confused.
"Your dating him I thought."
She smiled and shook her head.
"No I broke up with him last month. He would get drunk way to much."
I smiled. My life was finally coming into place.

I know this is short but I really like this:)

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