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"You are aloud to leave the Hospital tomorrow." The doctor told me.
"Thank you!" I said smiling.
"But one of your fathers needs to fill out paper work." He said unsteady.
"It's fine, I'll just call one of them." I said reaching towards my phone.
"Who's some responsible enough to fill out papers," I thought to myself.
"Anthony!" I screamed aloud.
"Yes?" He asked.
Whoops, I forgot he watches me while Lin is at work.
"Can you fill out the discharge paper?" I asked, crossing my arms, and fluttering my eyes.
"Ffffiiiiinnnneee." He groaned.
"Thank you. Oh and before you go, can you help me put my braces on?" I asked and he nodded.
It turns out my injuries were worse then what they thought. I need a back brace, where a metal pole is attached to a clip,and it goes up my back, the same thing for the leg brace. The arm brace is like a ladder of pipe cleaners up your arm.
"K, so you have therapy for 4 hours then we can leave, sounds good?" He questioned.
"Yeah," I said, using my crutches to walk out the door.
"Ok Taylor, now slide into your over split ." Shannon said.
Seriously,  these are gymnastics lessons. But I love gymnastics.
"Now into your back handspring step out," I did as she told.
"Half.." I kept doing as she told.
"Aminar.." Done.
"Girl your a fighter." Shannon said snapping her fingers.
"I'm gonna miss you Shannon." I said truthfully.
I ran and grabbed my bag. I hugged Shannon and walked out.
"You ready to go Kid?" Anthony asked.
But I was already in the car.
"Taylor Aster Hamilton, always on time." He grumbled.
"So I heard you signed a record deal?"
"Yep. The biggest one in New York!" I said excited .
"Cool, so maybe if you get nominated, you could come to the Grammies with us!" He explained.
"Whoa, Your right." I said hopping out of the car.
"I can call Jaz if you want practice." He offered.
"Jazzy does have an incredible voice." I admitted.
"Every one can agree." He said.
"Yep. Well, I'll see you." I said unlocking the Rodgers Door and walking in. I ran in a flopped on my bed that I hadn't slept on in almost a week. Then I remembered I still have the braces on. Ouch. I sat up.
Knock,Knock, Knock !
"It's Lin!" Lin yelled.
"Come in!" I replied.
He opened the door.
"Sunshine!" He yelled, arms open.
I giggled.
"I'm back!" I said snapping my fingers.
"YAY!" He said cheering.
I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
"But seriously," he said sitting on my bed,"You ok?"
"Yeah. I guess I can't move that well." I admitted.
"What would you say if we got you a wheelchair?" He asked.
"Really!" I asked excitedly.
"Yep. No more crutches for you." He said hugging me.
"Hey, Lin?"
"Thank you. " I said honestly.
He smiled. "Good night Sunshine."

Sorry this is short, I'm just really lazy at the moment. Comment because I want to write down all the comments and open them next year.

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