The Show Must Go On

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Phillipa was Sick and I could tell. My dressing room was next to hers, and I heard chokes and gages. I rushed into her room and saw her lying on the floor unconscious. I dialed 911 and ran to get Lin's help. She wasn't breathing and I was scared. I saw her being ushered away in a stretcher, but I didn't move a muscle. Flashbacks of Kyle and Mr Fredricks Drunk tantrums flew in my brain.
"Sir Please. I don't know what I did wrong!" I cried as I was almost slit with the beer bottle shattered bits.
"Filthy girl. You disgraced your brothers friends Nick and Luke. We should have gotten that sweet girl , what is it...... Abigal."
He through another beer bottle at my head leaving the same scar I still have to this day.
"Taylor Wake Up! It's just a dream!" Daveed Yelled.
I opened my eyes and saw tons of people gathered around me. I panicked and pushed myself back against the wall.
"Where am I!? Please tell me! Please!" I cried. I was scared. We weren't at the Rodgers anymore .
The Cast looked around , and they nodded.
"Our understudies took our places, because we're at the hospital."

"Why?"I hugged my knees.

"Pippa had a heart attack, and isn't waking up."
Abigals POV Abi_Fanzel
Growing up my life was hard. I've never had anything special happen in my life. It was always Beat,School,Beat,Sleep. And of course I was hurt. Nick never gave me a break.

When I was Fostered by the Cast of Hamilton, My dreams were gone. I was actually...happy. Happy.What a funny word. In the dictionary it is Used to describe a persons overall ability to smile. But it was never in the dictionary for me.

Antonym-Sad,Disgrace,Depressed. That was my word. It floated over my head like a cloud, to attack me when I was sad, and to scar me when I was actually kind of happy.

Mother-A nurturing female, who gave birth to you, adopted You, or fostered you. They make you smile for the darkest days. That was Pippa to me. No matter when Nick had hurt me, or when I was diagnosed with anorexia, she comforted me. But now she's half dead,and isn't waking up.
Taylors POV
Hospital rooms are cold. I had no blankets since we came on such short notice, and I was still in my Maria Reynolds dress. I woke in the middle of the night fed up with my annoying fluffy hair. I stood from the cold ground, and walked next to Pippas hospital bed. I sat down of the wooden chair.

"Hey Pippa." I hung my head.


"I was in your position almost 2 months ago. Remember that?" I slightly snickered.

I swear I saw a small smile sneak up her lips.

"I remember you told me that people need me, and I'm unique no matter what. Just remember that. Please. For me." I hung my head.

I really wanted her to come back. She was my best friend. 


I raised my head head and saw Pippa sitting up in her bed.

"Pippa!" I squealed and leaned in to hug her.

"Hey Tay." She smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I pulled away.

"Fine." She shrugged.

"Perfect." I thought to myself as I leaned in for another hug.

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