The Building

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Ok so this chapter is going to be time skipes , since I don't want to write 75 chapters of them running up the building. So it's going to go 40, ,67,75. Enjoy and sorry these are taking so long.

I gawked at the towering rows of stairs. This was our water break stop so I wiped my sweaty shirt on my sweaty forehead.

"Hey, Before you go, promise you'll take it easy." Leslie whisper coming up from behind me.
"AHH! " I screamed.
"What?" He shrugged.
"One, your wearing a giant Chicken costume and a wig. Two, I'm pretty sure I'm dieing because I saw you in a giant chicken costume." I laughed.
"Well Your defenitly not dieing." I heard and I blinked a few times. He was actually wearing a giant chicken costume.
"What the heck Leslie." I shook my head laughing.
"It's my good luck chicken." We both got up and went to the part two starting line.
"Here," Leslie plucked a feather from his costume," Have this for good luck."
"Thanks!" I gripped the feather and bolted up the stairs.
   40th story.

I wasn't terribly winded. I'm actually beginning to think that Leslies...Chicken feather is actually good luck. I was currently next to Groff.

"How are you*Huff doing *Huff Groff?" I panted.

"I *Puff Think I'm doing *Puff Amazing Taylor." He panted while I laughed. Jon is normally amazing at running. He was probably so used to doing that slow, funny King George walk.

I  caught my breath. "How many more stories?"

"I think 35." And then he sped ahead.

   I caught Andrew and Sydney taking the elevator. I stopped and watched them get escorted from the building. It was so funny I almost got in last place just standing and watching. Once I realized I sped up into 2nd.

          67 story,

I was neck in neck with Renee. She ran marathons every 2 months so I only had a 15% chance of winning. My breath was heavy as I was not jogging anymore. We each sped ahead of each other faintly, I don't think anyone thought I was going to make it this far. 

I was in a life times pain and TV cameras showed up. They were in my face and  I couldn't see. They were making this much harder by adding obsticals. I skipped ahead of Renee while jumping over ropes and cones.

"Ready to give up sweetheart?" Renee smirked. That made me jump ahead. My birth mom called me Sweetheart. I hated that she left me, I hated that she left everything she had.

      75th story

I was a centimeter ahead of Renee. I could see the Red Ribbon, I could vision that trip to Paris. And then a miracale happened. Renee tripped, leaving me to jump through the red ribbon.

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