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I woke up pretty excited to leave but also really sad. I'm never going to see Carter again.

"Wake up Niñita." Lin pushed my lightly.

"Why." I muffled back from my pillow.

"Cause New York has missed my glorious face, and they need to see it. So Rise and Shine!" He walked out of my room.
"I'm assuming you never unpacked." Vanessa said noticing how fast I made it to the door.

"I was to lazy." I groaned, as we dragged our luggages to the dock. There we waited for Kevin, our driver. He retired recently but he still agreed to drive us home.

"Mouse!" I heard a voice call from far away.

"Hey Carter! You leaving too?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty fun trip." He shrugged.

"I just wanna sleep in my own bed." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Ha, that's the mouse I know and love." He leaned in for hug, so I hugged back.

"I'm going to miss you a lot." I whispered in his ear.

"Me too mouse." He whispered back as Lin called my name.

"Ready to go Sunshine?" He put his luggage in the car.

"Dad you haven't called me that in months." I smiled.

"Really," he winked, "maybe I was missing the name."

The drive home was pretty casual, there's wasn't the usual gossip. I mean Kyle was back at school, I wasn't writing music anymore, Lin hadn't performed in weeks, what was there to talk about?

"Hey dad, I was thinking..." I mumbled.

"Oh no, please don't change your name again." He groaned.

I laughed a little. "Nah, I'm gonna stick with Ocean. But remember Betty? The social worker the contacted you, to, ya know, adopt me?"

He seemed to take on the question deeply. "Vaguely, was she that one with the really blonde hair, blue eyes? Just outta college?"

"Yeah that's her. Anyway, I asked her to send me some pictures of the kids at Graham Windham, so I could see how there doing."

"I'm assuming something bad happened." Kevin piped in from the driver seat.

"Yeah... Service there isn't great so the kids don't really get hair cuts, great food, great clothes... back when I was there it was bearable, but, " I pulled out my phone to show him the text,"these are the conditions now."

In the few pictures showed a few younger kids that I didn't know with matted hair, dirty faces, and they were so thin it looked like they hadn't eaten. The horror on my dads face was sickening.

"That's awful Sunny!"

I frowned. "I know. I really wanna do something for them... I was thinking about calling Marge."

"What, to give them makeovers?" Vanessa asked.

"Well, yeah! We could bring in, I dunno, 75-100 kids, and spend the day giving them makeovers. That would be nice wouldn't it?" I shrugged.

"That's really sweet of you Niñita! We can call Marge when we get home ok?" He said, and I nodded.

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