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Lin's POV

I woke up on Monday at 3:30 moping around the house. Cate never stopped crying, and Ocean... Ocean had her life struggles.
I wrote a little note to Vanessa telling her I would be home around 11:00 pm and walked out of the house. Pippa wanted to meet me for today since she said we never go out anymore. I figured I would stop at Dunkin Doughnuts and Kay Jewelers, just to pick up Pippa a present.
"Hey, can I get that sun and moon star bracelet you have? The one that comes with a chain?" I leaned on the counter and asked Zip, my friend from many years ago.

Growing up in Washington Heights, I got to meet everyone, so I know probably 65% of the New York Population.

"Lin! How are you!" Zip smiled. I met him in kindergarten, and we've probably been friends since I was 3 years old.

"I've been good, Hamilton bringing in a ton of new faces." I didn't mind making conversation. I still had at least 5 hours until Pippa's.

"That's Good, That is good."

"How are you and..." I was trying to remember is girlfriends name.

"Oh, Maria? We broke up almost a decade ago. But I'm married again. 10 kids." HE smiled, probably thinking about his happy life.

"That's great! How old are they?" I loved talking about kids. They remind me of my 4 favorite people.

"Global who is 19,Laura who is 18, Kevin who is 18, Maura who is 18, Karlie who is 15, Jinger who is 12, Charlotte who is 7, Brian who is 5, David who is 2, and Korin who is 10 months." He said,and I was baffled on how he remembered all their names.

"Wow," I laughed, "You live with 7 girls."

"Yeah... But I'm most thems step-dad. Global, Laura,Kevin, and Maura, are my Step kids, and Jinger and Charlotte are adopted."

"Well that's good." I took the necklace as he handed it to me.

"Before I go, how's your health?" I knew he was always sick and he spent is Softmore year in the hospital.

"To be honest, not any better.... I'm 37, so they said it should go until when dead." He shielded his tears.

"I'm very sorry...I'm late for my breakfeast "meeting,"" I hugged him and walked away, wonder how much longer he had.

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