Keeping up with the Cruz's

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Those of you that read my Oceans Family History thing-ignore it

"Sunshine?" My dad walked into my room looking at his phone oddly.
"Mhm." I, being the lazy human that I am, muffled in response.
"Do you know Joanna Cruz? And um," he scrolled through his phone, "Charles Cruz?"
It felt like the world was in slow motion. I dropped my phone of the rough carpet loudly. My eyes welled up like a lake.
"Oh," I wiped my eye, "I um, I don't know them."
He looked at me almost like I was the worst lier in existence.
"Then why am I getting a call saying that they would like to meet up and discuss custody?"
My life had stopped. My parents. My once loving, caring parents wanted me back? This couldn't be right! It couldn't!
"Ninita, are they your-" Lin sat down on my bed. I felt bad for cutting him off, but I didn't want to talk about it.
"Osh, we're gonna have to tell them you wanna stay here... you do wanna stay here right?"
I looked at him. "I'm offended you would even ask that." I laughed a little.
He put his hand around my shoulder. "Well let's go. We have a brunch to attend."
1 hour later....
"There not coming dad." I stared down into my coffee.
"Hun, I'm going to sit here and wait just so I can knock some sense into them." Lin looked at me and cracked his knuckles.
"Then we could sue you. Done." I heard a mans voice say.
He stuck out his hand, but Lin ignored it.
Charles looked disappointed the ignoring of the hand shake.
   "So the man raising our daughters rude?" Joanna whispered in his ear.
  "I'm not your daughter." I mumbled, but instantly regretted it.
  "Excuse me sweetie, I have birth to you, your my daughter." The woman pulled out a chair and sat down. The man the same.
    "So what do you want?" Lin rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.
   "Simple. We want Ocean back." Charles said.
   "They adopted me you can't -"
"Shut up." Joanna said and interrupted me.
   Lin stood up and pushed in his chair.
"Do you want to do this without a child in front of us, or do you wanna do this now?"
  "Now if you'd please." The waiter came with complimentary teas that Joanna sipped.
   Lin clenched his teeth, so Charles proceeded.
   "When we found out we lost our son, we left the music business and bought an apartment. We raised enough money for a few years of living. Now we want her back."
   "That's not how it works!" Lin yelled.
"I don't care. I'm not sure if you know this but when I want something g I get it," Joanna grabbed me by the face, " And I want her."

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