On the loose.

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Oceans POV
My dad brought me home from the hospitaland I almost that we were trying to hunt down he Fredricks. My neck hurt from the bruises, but not as much as it hurt to hear his voice again.
"Ug b, I am so sorry! When should I get my baseball bat?" Gabi said to me at my locker waiting for me to get my books.
"Now please," I groaned and she laughed.
"Really though Osh, I am sorry. You've had such a bumpy life."
I shrugged.
"Ocean Miranda to the principles office please, Ocean Miranda to the principals office."
I raised and eyebrow.
" What is that about?" She asked.
"I dunno, I should probably go. Tell Ms Green where I am ok?" I nudged her, she nodded, and I ran to the office.
"Ocean." The principal said and pointed me to the seats.
"Uhhh, did I do something?" I asked after an awkward silence.
  "No no, not at all! How'd your surgery go?"
"How'd you know about that?" I asked and scooted away from his desk a bit.
"You didn't know?" He spin around and turned on his office T.V

"Ocean Miranda,Daughter Of lin Manuel Miranda went into surgery today after months of having lung cancer, we have no further updates besides that she is doing fine."

A range bubbles up inside of me. Fine!? Fine!? How could they even think I'm fine!

"We know what happened with Kyle." The principal leaned forward.
  "Ok? You haven't done anything about him before."
  "Yes but know there in a ligit crime!" His eyes widened.
   "Is abuse not a real crime?" I snarled.
"Yes it is but-"
"But it didn't affect you. No I get it sir. Now it's affecting your school. Well good luck. I'm not going to help you."

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