Kitchen Ingredients

403 10 16

4 years ago

Mrs Fredricks POV

I had a simple and happy life. I was a social studies teacher, my husband a lawyer. We had one son who actually had good grades. I was finally happy until my idiotic husband showed his dark side.
"Alice!" He bellowed from upstairs. I hurried up. My son and foster daughter were at school and that's when all crap broke loose. I'm not aloud to speak to him unless he speaks to me first or else I-Well you don't wanna know what happens.
"Alice is dinner ready?" My husband slurred, clearly drunk from his latest party.
"No dear it's 10 in the morning," i said as calmly as I could.
He made a weird noise, like a humph , then walked down the stairs to me. Horrified, I barely managed to breathe.
   "Is it?" He smiled evilly and came face to face with me.
    "Yes dear check the kitchen clock," I mumbled. Instantly I felt my face heat up as I fell to my knees.
"Do you think I'm dumb Alice?" He whispered.
"N-N-o," I managed to gulp down.
"So here's the plan," He placed 10 dollars in my hand, "I want you to go down to the store and by some ingredients for dinner. Whip up something nice would ya?" His breath smelled like alchohol. I didn't ask. I took the money and ran out of the house. Right toward Ginnies market (Any O.G. readers remember her!?) 

"Hey Al!" She smiled after seeing me run toward her.

"Gimme anything you got." I huffed. I was not a runner.


"Please, just go quick." I said on the verge of tears.

"Ok, Ok," She gave up in asking and went to look.

And that's how my day went for 4 years.

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