Party Hard (Part 2)

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Daveeds POV
I gave Taylor a Coke. I knew I should give her something to drink before a drunk Thayne pranks her and gives her Vodka in a water bottle. The party had no plastic Coke bottles. What kind of place, has NO PLASTIC COKES. So I took a risk and immediately grabbed the retro Coke that looks like beer. She pushed away. Smart girl. I turned the bottle around to show the Coke symbol. I popped the cap off, and she instantly drowned half the bottle. But the a bright flash took over my eyes. A scream followed.
"Daveed!?" Taylor yelled. But I couldn't see. I stumbled everywhere, until I fell into a table.
"DAVEED!" Lin gave a murderous Yelp, as he ran over to me.
"Breath." He said and I did as I was told. I sat up, dusting my shirt.
"They took a picture. I'm ruined." I mumbled.
"Picture of What?" Lin patted my shoulder.
"Taylor. Drinking Coke that looks like beer." I grumbled.
"Let's think positive!" Drunk Thayne hummed in his meditation.
"Thayne's rig- Wait is that Thayne?" Pippa questioned.
"I don't know. But everyone continue the party. Me and Daveed will go bribe the paparazzi. " Lin pulled Daveed up and they walked out the door.
Taylor POV.               The rest of the party was a huge success. It was probably the most I've had since my birth parents took me to universal when I was 5, where I got to meet Cinderella. That was my favorite day of the year. Nothing fun had happened till now. When the party was over, I climbed into the Limo with all the girls. It was 6:00 in the morning, so I figured I call Lin.
"Hey Lin. On my way back to the Rodgers."
"Ok. Call me when you get there." Lin said. Wait. Was he crying!
"Lin what's up."
I heard a faint sigh.
"The paparazzi. They published the picture of you drinking......"beer.""
"Oh." I felt tears welling up.
"We can fix this chicken!!!!!" Thayne meditated in the background.
I laughed so hard I fell into Betsy.
"Drunk Thayne is right. We can fix this chicken!" I said as I sat up.
"Where do we start?"
We ended up telling everyone at the shows. I told everyone on social media, even Anthony's dad. At my gigs I told everyone.
"I would like to inform you, that that bottle I drank at the yearly actors party, was not beer. It was in fact a 1957 Coke bottle."
I instantly her people scream,
"Thank you for telling us!"
"Your career was almost ruined!"
The last one was most affective. But ever since then I work in my career everyday.

So this may be the last time I update early😈😈😈 Or in an hour😈😈😈Or never again.😈😈😈Mwahah

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