The Show

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My Yellow Peggy Dress was so comfortable, I felt like I was in a cloud. I hummed to the music coming from my ears while I sprayed my hair with brown hair dye. Finally I slipped in my heels.

Knock Knock Knock!!

"Come in!" I yelled.

Liam walked in holding Cate.

"Hey," I took her from his arms and placed her on my bean bag.

"You look beautiful." He leaned in and kissed me.

"Thanks! I can't wait for you to see me sing!" I clapped ever so slightly.

"I'll leave you to practice." He shut the door.

I still had 10 minutes until Schyluer Sisters, so I went on Twitter.

I heard Taylor's Boyfriend @LiamMonahan is watching the show today. I wonder what he'll think of his girlfriend making out with her dad?

@Hamiltrash-He must be so mad!

@TheoSaur-Does he even know?

I was in shock at what these people were saying. I continued to see these tweets, but finally I had to go on for Schyluer Sisters.

I grasped on to Pippas hand as she dragged me across the stage. I was supposed to act mad.

"Daddy said to be home by sun down,"I sang.

"Like I said your free to go! But look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now ! History is happening in," Pippa cried.

"New York! " We sang in harmony.

Finally the song was over and I had a few songs  until I was up next. Cate had fallen asleep on my bean back, so I scooped her up. I was never good with kids. I had a little brother. His name was Daniel. He was about 2 years old when we went into foster care. I stayed in New York, but he went to L.A. I never liked talking about it.

The Winters Ball was on, and the Schyluer sisters and I were walking in.

"Ohhh. I do, I do, I do. Hey!" Pippa spun around the stage which was my que to go dance with Andrew. Andrew was incredible. He was Anthony's understudy. I jogged over to him as he kissed my hand. I always feel uncomfortable dancing with him. I never normally saw him, so I was much more used to Anthony.
He lifted me in the air as I arched my back.
Finally we were supposed to run off stage hand in hand. We did as we were told and I waited off stage for 1 minute for Satisfied.
When Satisfied is on I'm only on for about 20 seconds. Then I have a while until Say No to This.

"Rewind, Rewind."

The stage spun in circles, so I didn't have to move I just pretended to hold a wine glass until I reached Andrew. Then I went in to a slight jogging position. Andrew held my waist. I slightly shuttered, and sprinted off at the end of my part. Then I went in my dressing room. I immediately put on my red dress, and flopped in my bed. I was way to tired to put my shoes on so I drifted to sleep.
Beep! Beep!
I was instantly awoken, and I checked my phone. I had 10 minutes until Say No This, but I then thought of Cate. I ran over to the bean bag, but I didn't see Cephas. I saw a note. It simply said,

"V took her home."

I shrugged and began curling my hair. Being Peggy and Maria is so incredible, but the hate is unbearable. Seeing those things on my Twitter were nasty.

@burningfandom-What kind of girl makes out with her dad?! Well he's not even her dad. He's fake.

@SlayEliza-@burningthefandom- I know right!? He's all like, "I've loved her since she was little, and I remember when she walked for the first time." Dude, he wasn't there for any of that.

Well I guess that's more hate on Lin, but that's still really mean. I ran on stage since I was already late.

"-And I don't know where to go. And I came here all alone.."

"So I offered her a lone, I offered to walk her home, she said,"

"Your to kind Sir,"

My favorite line in this song is

"If you pay, you can Stay!" Mostly because it really long. I put so must power into that line, I saw people gawking, and mumbling,
"Wow that girl is incredible!" I felt touched on the inside and the continued on with my life.

Sorry this is so late!
This chapter is going to be in parts 1 and 2 so Part 2 is coming soon.
This chapter wasn't made to be mean to anyone being fostered. This is what so people are actually doing and it's a serious problem.

How many of you would ask questions if I did  a character QandA? Pls tell me your answer . I love getting comments.

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