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Oceans POV

"Osh, can you get a car ride tonight? I have work, and your father has a show." Vanessa asked.
  "Yeah sure, I bet Liam could drive me," Vanessa whipped her head around the car seat.
"What?" I asked, she was being awfully mischievous lately .
"It's nothing ... It's just you and Liam are PERFECT." She shrieked the last part and I jumped a little.
"Sure Mom," I laughed, "completely perfect,"
"That was sarcastic Ocean," Vanessa looked and me. She was obsessed with me and Liam, and she even told me he was gonna propose. She forgot we are only 16 and 17.
"It's just that he posts these pictures with different girls, and he's hugging them, and getting really close... and I don't know what to do." I admitted this to Vanessa, even though I still don't trust her completely. Gosh that's awful for me to say.
  "I think you should get rid of him." I stared and gave Vanessa the, "what da heck you say," look.
   "You deserve so much better honey, and I don't think he's that great person." Vanessa parked the car and let me out.
   "Bye mom, love you," I threw my bag over my shoulder and scurried inside. Everyone was on the class trip to Puerto Rico but me, so it was just me and about five other kids.
  "Hey, Um, Ocean?" Lucy Bennett walked up to me, and she was holding something behind her back.
   "Yeah, Lucy right?" I smiled just like Lin taught me to do In weird situations.
   "Yeah, I just wanted to say, me and my little brother are probably your biggest fans... and he um was recently diagnosed with cancer-" Tears filled up in her eyes.
"Oh, Oh my, Lucy I'm so sorry... Do you want me to visit him tonight? After I get Sushi with my family?" I placed my hand on her shoulder.
   "I would love that, thank you so much Ocean. Bless your soul," Lucy was almost gasping for air and I giggled.
   "It's not a problem, tell your brother I wish him the best of luck with his recovery." But Lucy already walked away.
"Thanks for driving me home Liam, I'm forever grateful." I bowed down to him, and he laughed. I love his laugh.
  "Not a problem Oc, I think it's great that the whole cast is going out to dinner for the first time in like, three months."
   "More like two weeks, but sure," I laughed again.
   After Liam dropped me off at home Lin ran into my arms screaming, "WHOSE READY FOR SUSHI DUSHI SHUSHI MUSHI!!!!!!!" I jumped a little. I hadn't been feeling well since this morning, but I didn't want to ruin Lins favorite activity.
   "What's wrong, you love Sushi." Lin frowned upon me.
"Nothing, Don't worry." I smiled at Lin. He put his hand on my forehead.
  "Ocean your foreheads boiling, I think you have a fever..." I was shocked because I haven't been sick in a few years.
  "Let's get you to bed, I'll call your doctor." I frowned.
   "Hey it's ok, there is such thing as take out." Lin held up my chin and I smiled. He's right. And take outs better then the original thing anyway.

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