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Oceans POV
"I'm so excited!" I yelled as we jumped onto the plane. Lin grabbed onto my shoulder and was shaking.
"You are clearly not my child," He nearly crawled into his seat while I sat laughing.
"Hey are you Lin Manuel Miranda?" A little boy sitting in seats across from Lin asked.
"Yes sir! And who might you be?" I love how Lin was with kids, it made my heart melt.
  "I'm Ronnie! I'm 4," He said. He had the cutest little voice.
    "Do you like Hamilton Ronnie?" Lin leaned forward.
    "Yeah! I like Hercooleez," He smiled.
"Well how about this," Lin pulled up FaceTime,"why don't we call him now?" The boy gasped.
Lin just smiled and nodded.
   "Hey Hercules," Lin said when Oak picked up.
   He paused, "So I guess we're doing this now-Alexander."
"We have a Ronnie on the plane with us and he is a huge fan of yours, do you mind speaking to him?"
   "Not at all!" Lin passed the phone over to Ronnie and the little boy beamed.
"Dang padre you are good with kids," I punched his shoulder.
   "I mean I have 3 of them, I know every child wants to meet Oakriete (cant spell don't hate on meee) Odiwan at least once."
I smirked and put in my headphones. It was going to be a long plane ride.
"Congratulations everyone you've made Down alive!" The pilot joked. He'd been making jokes every hour.
"Thank god that's over," Lin sighed and jumped off the plane faster then anything.
"Planes are not that bad," I rolled my eyes at him, slightly grouchy from the lack of sleep
"Yes Sunshine you can literally die on one."
Spain was absolutely gorgeous. We were in the city part, and the cars around us were flying around. The sun was rising since we landed so early.
  "I can't believe I lived here for like 3 years!" (I dunno I check one of my older chapters)
Lin smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.
   "Let's go to the hotel," he said. The hotel was just as gorgeous as the city. The old stones covered the building, with long poles in the front. It would make it even better if Kyle weren't here.

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