Cephas and Mel

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Cephas Nile Cate Ramos-Miranda.
2 weeks
3 lbs
18 cm
                  Melanie Song Soo.
                          2 weeks
                           4.5 lbs
                          20 cm.
Of course Jazzy, Anthony and Pippa agreed. There both incredibly loving people, who LOVE kids. I'm sure they'll do fine. But while The Ramos' are getting married, they asked Lin if we could watch Cephas. So odd that her and Jazzy have the same name. Cephas is so cute, but I feel bad for Lin. This is the third kid he has to watch over. Who knew kids cryed so much!? Ugh! I haven't slept for 4 days straight, yet Vanessa looks perfect.
"How do you do it!?" I groaned at her.
"Seb is a light, light sleeper love. Practice makes perfect!" She squealed.
Lin walked down the stairs dangling her from his back, with a hand over her mouth.
"She wouldn't Shut her face." Lin groaned.
"She is really little. "I picked her up.
"You love her don't you." Lin asked.
"Yeah. But 15 year olds can't foster kids." I sighed.
"What is we adopted her as your birthday present?" Lin asked.
"Wait-Seriously! What about Jazz and Anthony?"
"They agreed to foster her while we fill out adoption papers." He nodded.
"Oh my gosh, Thank you so much! This is so cool!" I exclaimed.
" But your going to have to take care of her," Lin's eyebrows narrowed.
"Yeah Yeah." I was already swinging Cephas in the air.
"Can we call her Cate sometimes?"I asked.
"Of course! Anything you want." Lin hugged me. We were now a family of 5.
My days went in its average pattern, and my birthday was coming closer. I was turning 16. I haven't put much thought into it. I never got a birthday. My foster parents would throw and apple at me and would call it a day. The cast wants a huge party. It's called a "Sweet 16." I guess it's exciting. Gabby had one, and she told me it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. But me birthday was still 2 months away. My career was growing quickly. I was almost finished with my album. It's call A song. It's pretty good, but I just need to record Run with the whole cast. In 2 days. I need to get 50 of some of the most popular people in America together in 2 days. *Violently slaps head. I woke up at noon and threw on a black cardigan, tie-die pants and a white crop. It was Monday, so there weren't any shows. I turned my phone on and so 10 missed texts from Liam.
"Babe, why aren't you at school?"
"Tay, are you dead?"
"Taylor, Kyle is looking for you."
"Come back."
"I miss you."
"Are you avoiding me?"
"Are you cheating?"
"Nah, your probably not."
"Call me back."
Shoot! I forgot to tell him I'm being homeschooled. I texted,
"Sry. I'm being homeschooled cause I have shows almost everyday. I'll be back by Feb at the most. "
I really hope he doesn't think I'm cheating though. That would be really bad. I walked to Lin's apartment, and saw him watching Chuggington with Seb, and Vanessa was with Cephas.
"Look who's up!" Vanessa smiled.
"I was so tired last night." I groaned.
"Well come watch. Tittington is trapped in a tunnel all alone!" Lin exclaimed.
"I married a 2 year old." Vanessa shook her head, while I fell to the floor laughing.
"You never knew that!?"
I sat down on the couch.
"What is Tittington going do!" I tickled Sebastian, and he broke out laughing.
"We will wscape wnd wsvae wuggington!" He hollered.
Man do we have the perfect family.
This chapter is longer. What do you think of them adopting Cephas? I mailed Lin, so hopefully he replies.

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