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Part 2 :)

Oceans POV

"Dad!" I yelled throwing on the last touches of my oufit. I stared in the mirror, and dusted off my red sweater that was in the back of my closet.

"Mhm!" He called back from downstairs.

"We have to go, Gray is already there!" I yelled and ran downstairs, into the car.

He was taking his time.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

Hey we might be a bit late

Awww why?

My dads taking forever🙄

Eh it's fine, as long as your coming :)

No but I reallllllyyy wanna meet you I'm an extreme fan girl

Is that so?


What's my middle name?

Grayson Bailey Dolan born December 16

Ok you are a fangirl😂

Don't test my fangirl skills lmao

I put down my phone as my dad got in the car.

"Finally!" I exclaimed.

"I take my time," he smirked.

"To much time. Now drive."

He slammed his foot on the breaks and we sped over.

"Bye Love you." I said when we finally got there.

"Love you Osh, if anyone try's to kidnap you you know what to do." He wink and drove back home. I took a deep breathe and walked inside.

"Ocean!" Grayson smiled when he heard the bell jingle as I came inside. I walked over to there booth.

"Hey Grayson," I smiled.

"You must be Ocean?" His doppelgänger Ethan, stuck out his hand for me to shake. I grasped it.

"Yeah, and your Ethan." I said shaking his hand nervously. It had been my dream to meet him.

"I hope you don't mind, but we order you a croissant, cause you seem like that type of person." Gray laughed.

"Well I do love croissants. But what do ya mean the type of person?"

"I dunno," Gray snickered, "you just put it on your Twitter a lot like, "BUY ME A CROISSANT.""

We both started laughing really hard. They really were goofballs like in there videos.

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