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If you follow me on twitter I'll love you forever I'm not kidding (@musical_life04)

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The pounding rain woke me up at 4:00. I had never really experienced this much rain , and it was quite terrible .
  My hands were cold so they were shaking already, but when the lightning cracked, I jumped under my sheets.
  I didn't want to get up. Sure I would've gotten an extra hour or so to get ready but that means school. And I can't face Kyle again.
1 day before...


I'm back! Puerto Rico was amazing!

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I'm back! Puerto Rico was amazing!

Rich people smh :/ Hey hun, do ya understand that people are dying in the world and your living the big life out on a cruise?
Do you think anyone cares? Life was better without you away. Why don't you just go back to where you came from.
Ew... your honestly so ugly... your face is so fat :/ Why don't you do the world a favor and just run away.
I blinked my eyes a few times, before I started crying. I didn't get how disgusting people could be . Sure, I got a few nice comments now and then, but for all I know they were just saying that.
   I yawned and decided to call Gabby, she was probably the only one who would pick up.
"Hey Gab-"
"Ocean I swear- who do I need to kill?"
"What?" I was confused.
"Don't play me, I saw those comments on your twitter, now who do I need to kill!?" She was straightening her hair, but she paused to crack her knuckles.
I groaned I got out from under the sheets.
"Kyle, and whoever "burning the broadway life "is."
"Well if it helps, that username sounds pathetic."
"Yeah I guess." I sighed and started picking out my clothes.
  "Come on Ocean, you can't be serious. You know Kyle is doing this cause his family was paid a lot of money to raise you, and now they have no income." Gabby put down the straightener and it felt like she was in the same room as me, looking at me right in the eye.
  "What? Kyle's parents got fired!?" Kyles mom was the head doctor at a really wealthy hospital , and his dad was a lawyer at a famous law firm.
  "Uh yeah... you don't think a hospital would want someone that abuses there patents do you?" She shook her head like this was all obvious.
"Well that's...I dunno I would sound like a horrible person if I said it was good that they got fired." I shrugged.
  "I wouldn't question it, that's great that they were fired. I'm gonna go let you get dressed." She hung up.
  I put my hair in a bun and put on a white sweater with red lines by the wrists.
  "Good Morning Niñita!" Lin smiled and scooted over so I could sit next to him.
"What are you watching?" I asked and curled up next to him.
"The one with Cole sprouse!" I loved that show so much, I couldn't even use words to describe it.
  "Yeah, who named there kid Jug head, like..." He grimaced while I laughed.

I loved fangirling with my dad.

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