Beauty Day

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I have writers block! NOOOO😭

Read this chart it will help you understand the chapter better (the ages might not match up btw)

Shay "Mom" Age 45

Abi. Age 16

Jackson and Daniel. Age 14

Mira and Ivy Age 13

Laliana Age 12

Tyler, Micheal, Gale Age 4

Porter  and Paisley age three

Brooklyn age 1

Abis POV (Ohhhh a change in things...)

I awoke at 3:00 in the morning cause my three year old foster sister was jumping on me.

"What Paisley?" I groaned. She still had that adorable sheepish grin on her face.

"Bwooklin." She pointed toward the door. My eyes instantly widened. I bolted out of my bedroom, still in my night gown, and into  one year old Brooklyns room. Brooklyn was squirming in her crib, her pale blue eyes were filled with tears.
   "Shhh, Shhhh..." I calmed her down. I wish my foster mom would help. She was diagnosed with depression after Brooklyn was born, and wouldn't eat. She abandoned her twelve children, and left the oldest, (fostered), child to take care of them.
   I live with six girls, and six boys (including myself.) I've been forced to have to make a chart on the wall with all my siblings needs and wants. They don't even call me Abi anymore. They call me mom.
  I placed Brooklyn back in her crib and figured my day has officially started. I put my hair in a quick braid, a cross necked black crop top, and blue flannel, and skinny jeans. Since Shay never takes my shopping, I'm forced to wear clothes I've had since I was probably eleven. So I sucked it in and ran down stairs to make a healthy breakfast. I try not to eat anything huge anymore, ever since my ex abuse foster brother found out my weight and has picked on me for it. I'll never forget the day he snickered over Twitter saying the Walters still have my  personal info.                       But none of that really matters anymore. I can't say I'm happy with my family, but I can't say I don't love them.

After I ate my breakfeast, and left a note for Jackson and Daniel. I know what I'm doing is a stupid mistake, but Ocean and I really wanted to. Ocean and I decided to take the day off, just so we can relax and catch up. I really want to talk to her about her Grammy win.

Ocean POV

Abi and I decided to take the day of to get our hair done, go shopping, and get our nails done.

    "Bye Dad!" I hugged Lin before I left.

"Bye Ninita! Love you!" Lin hugged back with Sebastian on his shoulders.

I got in the limo as it drove away.

"Hey Kevin," I nodded at my driver.

"Hello my favorite celebrity!" Kevin was a cheerful guy, and that's why I loved him.

"I'm finally cutting my hair today!'' I beamed at him.

"Finally!" He said as we laughed.


I hopped out of the limo, and walked inside. I hate paparazzi, even though there isn't much.
"Hey Marge !" I smiled and walked over to the counter.
Marge was probably around 27ish. She had coca skin, blue eyes and frizzy, but silky black hair.
"Hey Ocean! I see you've finally decided to come cut your hair!" Marge accepted my money, while I nodded.
"Two please." I said just as Abi walked in.
   "OCEAN!" She squealed and ran towards me.
   "ABI!" I shrieked and gave her a huge hug while walking over to the chairs. I laid my head in the sink next to Abis.
  "So I hear you've won a Grammy!" Abi beamed. Well, I couldn't see her, but I could tell.
  "Yeah. Two." I beamed back even though she didn't notice.
   "That's amazing Ocean, I'm proud of you!"  She touched my thigh and I winced.
   "Oh, sorry are you ok?" Abi pulled back.
    "Yeah, just ran into a table again.." I laughed one of those fake laughs.
      Before she could responded, Marge came over with shampoo and began washing my hair.
"How much do you want off darling?" Marge asked.
"Two feet," I know that a ton of hair. I spent about eleven years growing it out, only cutting off dead ends.
It felt weird being a celebrity. I was wearing a lot nicer clothes, and my nails were like... perfect.
"What color would you like this time?" I heard.
   "What'd you think Abi?" I asked.
"I dunno, maybe just slightly lighter then what you have now?" She suggested. She was getting ombré hair, which was a change for her.
  "Sounds good. Are you ready to make the cut?" Marge asked and smirked.
   I couldn't even nod before I felt pounds off my back.

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