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Today is the first day of October. Also Monday. Blah, School. I mean, I missed a whole week!
I lazily woke up to Guns and Ships, which was the opposite of my mood. I French braided my hair, and threw on my favorite shirt that had little flowers on it and jeans, and ran to Lin's apartment next door.
"How does a Tony Actor, 'ward winner-" Lin sang but paused when he saw me.
"Holy crap. You were watching me!"he scream/laughed.
"And I got it on video," I said sticking my tongue out.
"You.." He yelled and started chasing me.
Good thing I'm 7 hours early. When we were all out of breath, we sat down and ate the eggs.
"Ok, let's talk business. Jazzy chose you to be Peggy, since it would be weird for you to be Maria." He said mumbling the last part.
"PEGGY!" I yelled in excitement.
"Ya, but you need to show up to all rehearsals." He said narrowing his eyes.
" Yeah,Yeah." I said not paying attention.
"Ok then, what time is rehearsal?" He sneakily asked.
"3:00." I stated.
"Wow I miss judged you. Wait why are you up at 11:00pm anyway?"
"I could ask the same question."
"Fine. Daveed wanted to talk, so I woke up." He lied.
"Yeah, and I'm Adele."
But he didn't here me.
"Do you want to practice for your single?" He asked.
"You have to write a chart topping single in 2 months."
"It's easier then it sounds. Don't you have ideas? At least for a title?" He asked.
"I wrote a song for school called Hurt." I said.
"Good! What's it about?" He questioned excitedly.
"My life." I mumbled.
"Tay, that can turn into an amazing song. Here," he said handing my guitar to me,"Sing it."
I placed my fingers on the strings and played.
I did it! Lin and I worked on the song for hours until he drove me to a recording studio 20 minutes away.
We knocked on the door to studio, for what felt like hours, then a young guy opened the door.
"Wha'd you stupid-Oh Lin, come in, come in!" His appearance changed when he saw Lin.
"Gulíanó, this is Taylor." Lin introduced me.
"Taylor! " the man yelled, and I nodded.
"It's me Gulíanó! I offered you that place in my deli-"
"You kicked me out." I cut him off leaving a odd silence.
"Anyway, Let's begin." Lin said breaking the silence.
"Please step in here," Gulíanó politely demanded.
I stepped into the box and I immediately saw Lin and Gulíanó talking, but I couldn't here them.
"Please begin," They said making me jump.
"Aaaannndd.... Finished. Your good to go Taylor." Gulíanó said.
"Thanks," I said running out. School starts in a half hour.
"You need a ride?" Lin asked.
I nodded, praying that Kyle wasn't there to torture me.

Oh my god 1k reads!!!!

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