Anorexia and What!?

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Ok I lied this chapters emotional next will be happy I promise.  Also Im going to make a Taken in by Hamilton One Shot book. So Dm me request. It wont be published until at least Chapter 60

Oceans POV
I woke up at about 3:20 am on my birthday feeling so much better. I pushed myself up and looked down. I couldn't see my ribs anymore but I was still thin. I looked left and right and I saw every single cast member, and friend sleeping on the floor. And Liam was sleeping on the foot of my bed.

Around my walls were stuffed bears and balloons, and cards saying Happy 16th birthday Ocean. I cuddled up next to Liam and fell asleep moments later.
"So she's awake but there are a few problems..." I heard the doctor say.

"What? I can't have anything be wrong with my little girl..." I heard Lin whisper.

"Your Daughter is anorexic. And she has been for a while which is getting bad."

"I was pretty sure she was anorexic. My wife had talked to her doctor." Lin replied.

"There's another thing that's A lot worse..." the doctor placed a hand on Lin's shoulder.

"What?" I interrupted there conversation.

"Ocean thank heavens your Alive !" Lin screamed.

"Lin what's the problem with me." I sternly said.

"Ocean don't panic..." the doctor sat on my bed.

"I won't." I was strong and firm, no matter how weak I felt.

"You have a rare form of lung cancer."
Jasmines POV.
I woke up at 4 am to a ringing from Anthony's phone. I picked it up.

"Hey Lin waz'p." I yawned. I died my hair blonde at the end and it was very poofy.

"Please come home." His voice was shaky.

"Lin what's wrong your scaring me." I began to wake up Anthony .

"Ocean has Lung Cancer."

And after that sentence my whole world crumbled. We were already on our way home, But we were going to stop in Texas. So I asked the pilet for an emergency landing.


"What?" I did't believe what I just heard.

"It ran in your family. Thats how your cousin Carmen died, and her neice Sophia, and your brother."

"Danny's Gone?" My eyes teared up.

"Unfortunately yes. He died of lung cancer and a large tumor about 4 years ago." The doctor shook her head.

"What do we need to know about this?" Lin asked.

"Luckily the cancer is small so she won't need to stay in the hospital 24/7. She has to take her Anorexia Medicine every other day. And for the Cancer, she must come back once every month. And she has to take medicine every day." The doctor explained.

"Will I need Chemo?" I asked.

"I don't believe so, but I suggest a haircut. The Cancer should be removed by April 2."

"Thank you so much doctor. May I sign her out of the hospital?" Lin asked.

"Yes. Oh and Taylor?" He asked.


"Happy Birthday."

Next Chapter will be her birthday!!!!

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