Party Hard (Part 1)

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                  Taylor POV.
As I put on the final touches of my makeup, someone knocked.
"Come in!" I yelled, annoyed that I got makeup in my teeth.
"Hey, Taylor." Jazzy sat in my bed.
"I know it's gonna be weird for you to play Maria. But hear me out. I really love Anthony. And not giving my part up, because I love the show more then him is awful. I think your the only one to fill the job." Jazzy mumbled.
"I already said yes," Jazzies eyes widened.
"Oh crap. Thanks. No one needs to know that I went soft for 3 minutes." She left the room. I began humming Say No to This. I guess I'm ok for the part. Nothing special or anything. I stepped outside the Rodgers with The girls of the cast. I was instantly blind. Cameras where everywhere.
"Taylor! How does it feel to be the youngest person to be in this  party!?"
"How does it feel to be a teen actress/singer/model/school girl!?"
I put my hand just above my eyebrows to get the pain from the flash from my eyes.
We hopped in the limo.
"Oh my-" But my sentence was cut of by 50 violent nods.
"You'll get used to it." Ari explained.
I shrugged and flipped through Twitter. My career was becoming a huge success. So many retweets and followers!
"Watcha looking at Aster?" Riley asked. She calls me by my middle name. I don't know why. She just very unique.
I was about to reply when I heard cheering fans a lights.
"Guys. Riley goes second to last, Taylor goes last." Pippa announced.
I waited in the limo, very nervous. After I saw Riley and the male and female cast and the entrance, I took a shaky step out of the car. I stood up tall and walked forward, signing autographs, and taking pictures. I couldn't hide the laughter. Lin stared at me like I was a magical goddess .
"Lin?Lin!?" I snapped in front of him.
"Huh!? Oh sorry. You just look really beautiful." I blushed a deep red, and everyone laughed. Even Lin.
"Who's ready to P.A.R.T.Y!?" Jazzy yelled.
"Hamilton is!" The cast screamed running into the building. It was apparently there battle cry. I ran into the loud room with pounding music and lights. Me, Jazz,Riley,Renée, and Pippa all ran to the dance floor, where the cast of Les Miserabe, and Finding Neverland danced, and chatted. I ran over to Daveed, and screamed, "This is awsome!"
"I know! Here! Drink this." He handed me what looked like beer.
"Daveed this is alcohol." I tried to hand it back to him, but turned the bottle around. It was old fashioned Coke. He popped the cap off and I glugged down half of it. And then the flash that almost ruined Hamiltons career.
Hi guys.
I'm to tired to edit. If you have a problem with it just tell me. On the bright side, I was nominated for an award. I've never get nominated for anything, so thanks HamiltonIsPerfect . Sorry I uploaded this earlier. This will be the final time I update early. (Or is it 😈😈😈😈) I'm working on Part 2 right now. But I'm really bored. So someone please Dm me or comment

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