Raspberry Picking

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TBH I ship Liam and Ocean in this chapter soooooooooo much it hurts.😍😍😍

I was out with Liam, and it was a Monday, which means no show, but Dad still wanted me home by 5.

"Liam, Lin wants me home by five," I didn't feel comfortable saying dad In front of Liam.
" Ocean that's six hours from now," he laughed.
   "Yeah, but I don't know wear we are going, which means an hour added on to my "get ready time"," I explained in all seriousness.
  "I'm dating a neat freak," he shook his head and I laughed.
   "Ok Mr. I'm such a perfect boyfriend that doesn't deserve my girlfriend, what are we going to do for six hours?"
    "Hey... one, I don't deserve a Grammy winner, and two, raspberry picking," I was bewildered because there aren't many farms in New York.
    "Liam you know New York is a city right? Not a farm or really anyplace with a field," he took my hand.
  "Trust me, I know a place," he laughed and pulled me into his truck.
   Liam was seventeen, which means he has had his license for a year, and he has a car.
  "I love you," I leaned my head on his shoulder.
  "I love you more," He whispered.
  I pulled out my phone and started texting Lin that we are probably going out of New York.
Hey Niñita!
Where r u going 4 ur date?

I giggled. He try's to use text slang, which actually hilarious.

We're going raspberry picking.

Niñita, where the heck are you going. You're not going to Massachusetts are you...


Niñita you know I don't like you out alone..

Liam's with me

I'm not sureee

Pls dad!?

Fine. For loves sake. Be safe, love you

Love you

I couldn't believe me and Liam have been dating for 6 months. I've only dated one person before Liam, and that was my friend Kevin. I regret it because he's Gabbis brother, but we dated for 2 years

  "Thank Goodness we're here!" I sang and leaped out of the car.
    "I didn't think you would be this excited about raspberry picking, but I guess I'll have to cancel or trip to California..." Liam smirked.
I dropped all the raspberries that I had already begun to collect.
   "You're kidding right." My eyes widened.
    "Nope," he pulled out two tickets,
My mouth dropped open but no words came out.
   "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!" I jumped into his arms and squealed.
  "I know," I gave him a little thwack on the head a giggled.
  "I bet I can get more raspberries then you." I wiggles my eyebrows.
  "You're on."
We bolted across the field gathering each raspberry, running back to her more buckets, then picking more.
      "I got waayy more than you..." I put my arm around his shoulder.
      "Suuuurrrreee," he laughed.
"I love you," we both said in union.

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