Thanksgiving (2)

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The building is a 75 story building where you have to use the stairs to get to the top and bottom. I am not in shape for this . I was currently in the middle while Andrew was in the back and Renée was in the Lead. Renée. I love you, but I will win that trip to Paris.
We were about 1/3 through. My face was burnt and purple. Constantly Lin would ask if I was ok. CLEARLY I WASN'T! But I sucked it in and nodded. The building was a quarter of a mile away.  Kill me now. I jogged up the hill with the building in view.
  I stopped along with everyone else, gapping at the building.
"You'll be ok." I breathed in and took a step towards my doom.
    Pippa POV
When we started the race I didn't even think about my health. I won the race last year so I wanted to let Taylor win. But she didn't know about the building and I was not going to be the one to tell her. I grumbled and headed on.
   Daveed POV
Of course we want Taylor to win. None of us are competitive. Well.... Maybe I am. But I won the second year. My daughter means to much to me. And apparently, "No parent should beat there child."
Lin and I agreed that if Taylor hoes down at the building, we would carry her the rest of the way.
Lin's POV
I would go down with Taylor. I always felt like she was my one and only daughter. I was so protective of Seb, and it would be cruel to do that to Sunshine. She has been through more then Sebastian will ever.
I stayed behind her while Daveed stayed ahead . I never thought I was so stupid to let her run.

Hey guys!
So sorry this is late but I'm in camp and it's really hard to write. Also sorry this is short. Pls don't hate me.

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