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I groggily woke up to a scream. I threw my bathrobe on a ran to Lin's apartment.
"Lin! Vanessa! Are you ok!" I was terrified. I finally found Lin in the kitchen on his phone.
"Lin, what was that?" I sat down.
"Why'd you scream? You woke me up. It's my only day without a early show. " I whined.
"My best friend Fallon is joining the cast. I grew up with her. Oh and... She was my first... Love" he carried the word love.
"Aww. I ship Fin already. What's she like?"
"She was one of Puerto Rico's best models. She was definitely going places."                             "Wow," I was amazed.                                                                                                                                               "Yeah we dated for a few years. She over came a rough child hood. 9 younger siblings, a single mom..." Lin was almost whispering.

"We should all look our best for the first rehers-Wait. Your Ex is my mom, while your my dad, while Daveed is my dad?" I asked.
"Yeah...... That makes no since. Just go get dressed," I took his orders and ran upstairs. My blue beanie matched my all blue attire including, Blue jeans, coverse, and a Blue shirt. I ran downstairs where I saw one girl who looked like she was 19. Tall, full lips , golden hair.
"Excuse me, are you Phillipa Soo?" She knocked me from my trance.
"Oh no sorry, I'm her...daughter."she motioned for me to come on stage.
"I've seen you before. Are you Jasmine? You look just like her."
"No I'm her daughter." I replied.
"Oh. Do you mind practicing with me? I'm nervous. It's my first day." She shuttered.
"Of course! Your name is....."
"Fallon. Fallon Atlas Rodgers." We shook hands. This was Lin's best friend and Ex girlfriend. Wow. Stretched that word a bit much.
"What song?" I cracked my knuckles.
"I think The, Just you wait, Part in the first song." She slid into a full split.
"Oh easy! You lean back slightly..."
I showed her all the dances she needed help on. She was great! It turned out, she's 30. I talked to her about Lin. They started dating when she was 15. It was like one of those teen romances from the movies until she made a stupid mistake, a cheated on him. She has a 6 kids . 3 triplets, Farrow, Olive, and Ashley, who are 11 months. Luke, who is 2 years old. Cephas and Mel, who are a few weeks.
"Your really young!" I was shocked.
"I know," she bit her lip, "I'm going to put Mel and Cephas up for adoption."
"Why!" I was shocked.
"I'm 30, my career is exploding, and I have 6 kids." She was almost yelling.
"Oh, Simmer down. I meant why don't you give them up to someone in the cast?" I really loved kids so I hoped she would give them to the cast.
"Really!?" She beamed.
"Of course! I think I heard Jazzy wants Kids, and so does Pippa. "
"Perfect! I'll go find them now!" She yelped before running off.
Welcome Cephas and Mel to brodway.
(Ok, guys I have this deathly fear of orthodontist. My brace brackets always come off and I'm terribly pressured to keep them on. They make me freak out alot. I can't stop thinking about it. It scares me. I really need warm wishes because most people beside my parents and gammie, pressure me. So I have an orthodontist tomorrow and I panicking a lot. Writing helps, so I'll either update or write on the conversation board.
Thanks guys,

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