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Quick note

Sorry I knows these chapters are really bad😂 but I have bad writers block guess what!

I'm Might turn this into an ebook!


Ocean POV
Today was the day. The day i was going to get my lung cancer treated. (Can lung cancer really be removed? I have no idea actually )
The day had gone bye, same old, same old. But inside I was trembling. This was probably my first surgery and I'm absolutely horrified.
"Whats the worst that could happen?" Carter asked on the phone.
   "Um, they mess up and I die."
He laughed, "Dude there not gonna mess up! It's the 21st century they have robots doing this stuff."
I groaned. "Are you sure you can't come up?Just for the week?"
  "Osh, finals are this week!"
I made a pouty face to the camera. I really wanted him to come visit.
  "Fine," he laughed and rolled his eyes jokingly.
  "Huzzah! I gotta go get ready, bye !" I hung up and flopped across my bed. My life had changed so much in the almost past year. I'm finally happy again.
I ran downstairs and saw Lin with Starbucks on the table.
"Aye You got me my fav!" I lunged toward it.
"Just a little treat." He beamed. I was so grateful for him.
"Thank." I hugged him and walked outside.
The scary thing about surgery is that you never know what could happen. I mean for all I know they gave me too much anithesia !
"Are you scared?" Lin asked casually in the car.
"Um yes." I schrunched my face up.
"Whats there to be afraid of?"
" Death."
He looked at me. "You've gotta be kidding."
"No I'm not kidding, People are literally going to be touching my lungs."
He smirked, "Yeah I know. Pretty gross right?"
I laughed and lightly hit his arm.
"I kidd, I kidd. But honestly don't worry about anything! I'll be at the hospital most of the time."
"So they'll tell you if anything happens?"
"Of course!" We climbed out of the car and into the hospital.
"Name?" The secretary asked .
"Oh, uh, Ocean Miranda." My hands quivered and Lin put his hand on my shoulder.
" Alright, follow me please." The secretary up and signaled for me to follow.
I was horrified. I looked up at Lin.
"You'll Be Fine. Love you Osh."

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