One Shot Preview

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(Here's a preview for my one shot book coming out chapter 80!) I'll take this down in 3 days. Btw I cried while writing this. Idk why I would make this the preview, I just thought it was one of my better chapters.

Ocean/-No more Love from him.

Idk the year- January 5, age 23

I awoke at 3:45 am, still teary eyed from last night. I knew he wasn't coming back for me. I brushed my hair and teeth and walked downstairs to make breakfast for my 3 year old daughter and I.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and wiped a tear from my eye.

"Listen Babe, You need to understand that me going to Arizona for 4 months will give us so much money." His voice appeared on the phone, making me cry even more.

"I know... But you can't just leave your wife and daughter because your afraid of what your parents will do when they find out that you and me had her at such a young age." I placed the eggs on a table.

"I'm not afraid Ocean..."

"YES YOU ARE! I HAD HER AT 20, AND YOU AT 22! DON'T PLAY STUPID." I yelled hoping not to wake up my daughter as I slammed the phone down.

I walked into my room and threw on a yellow dress, and flats. I spun around to look in my mirror.

The HUGE wedding ring was on my finger. All gold, 5 diamonds. A single tear dripped down my face as I fiddled with it. Why was I so clueless then?

"Please don't do this Zac. Please!" I begged as he began to pack his bag.

"Ocean your so STUPID ! I never wanted you or Renesemee."

I looked at him in shock.

"You said you loved her." I stood from my knees.

"I did. But Now I'm getting sense put back into me. I was to young." The tension in his voice rose.

"But," I placed a hand on his shoulder.

And then a burning pain went through my face. He hit me.

"STOP KYLE!" I placed my hands up as Zac kicked me down.

"I'm not Kyle you IDIOT!!" He said before punching me in the jaw, grabbing his back and walking out.

I could feel the memories flooding my head now, as I slipped the ring of my finger and threw it into the fire I had started .

"I hope that you...Burnn." I cried and went upstairs to wake up Renesemee.
She was still asleep, so I picked her up and brought her over to Lin's apartment.

"Ocean!" He smiled, as he held out his hands for me to give him Nessie.

"How are you?" He sat down on the living room couch.

"Ok?" I winced.

"You are the worlds worst lier. Tell me what's wrong." He handed Nessie to Seb. I sighed and lifted my shirt up so he could see the indents in my skin. I could see him tearing up.

"Niñita...." He pulled me into his arms.

"It hurt. It hurt so bad." I sobbed.

"I know baby...Shhhh," He put his hands on my face, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't really know... He's a great man, and he apologized, but we don't... We don't make each other happy anymore.."

"It sounds like you know what you have to do." Lin pulled out my video equipment.

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