Home Alone

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I awoke to a smiling Lin.
"Good Morning Sunshine."
"Mornin Lin." I said yawning.
"Watcha want for breakfast?" He questioned.
"Just a mango," I replied slipping on a Boston College sweatshirt, and black leggings.
"K," Lin said and ran back across to his apartment.
I threw my hair into a messy bun, and put on nude lipstick.
"A mango," Lin bowed handing me the plate.
I giggled.
"Can me and Liam go get coffee after breakfeast?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Be back by 10." He said.
I texted Liam that I could go. I grabbed by purse and walked to the coffee shop.
"Hey babe," Liam said as I walked in.
"Hey," I said , and went to order my caramel frappe chino.
"How's life with a brodway musical?" He asked sipping his drink.
"Amazing . Every one is so sweet ." I replied to tired to answer.
"So.... Your doing amazing on Social Media." He said, attempting to begin conversation.
"Oh yeah. People on Instagram want to see you. Can we take a picture?" I asked, and he nodded.
I took a picture of me kissing him on the cheek. I captioned it with,
Love him😘😘😘@LiamMonahan
It was also 10:25.
"Shoot, I have to go! By , I'll text you later, " I said.
I grabbed my drink and ran as fast as I could.
I threw the door open and screamed,
"Get upstairs!" Lin yelled. He sounds mad. Uh-Oh. I ran upstairs.
"Yyyyeeesss?" I asked nervously.
"V got you a new oufit."
"Wait-Never mind. Thanks!"I replied.
The oufit was a sleeveless, crop top, zip up, fitted black blouse, and a pencil skirt, with a small cut. It was beautiful.
I ran over to Vanessa.
"That fits perfectly! Common, we are going to lunch with the cast. Lin'll meet us there." She said motioning to the door.
"Why are we going with the whole cast?" I asked easily confused.
"They want you to join the show." Vanessa said.
Wow. If I impress them enough, I could be in Hamilton!
"Oh, and Daveed knows people so he might get your career started," Vanessa said without any care in the world.
"What type of food are we getting?" I asked.
"Italian." She replied as we hopped out of the car.
The restaurant was packed, and
All filled with the cast and Daveeds "people."
"And this is Taylor!" Carleigh said.
"Get on stage girl!" Daveed yelled.
Um ok? There was a microphone in front of me so I think I need to sing. I'll sing send my love. I need to practice
3 minutes later.
I heard a loud round of applause.
I climbed down from the stage smiling.
"That was amazing," Lin said from behind me.
"Girl, we don't even need to vote, your joining the cast." Renée said, snapping her fingers.
"And your getting an agent," a man said, "Daniel Nassstisa." He said shaking Lin's hand.
"Nice to meet you. But before we begin we have to go over some things with Taylor, We'll call you." Lin said, then walked out.
"I'm getting an agent?" I asked.
"Yeah. They just want a video of you singing." He said.
"Oh, Um," I said nervously.
"What if I mess up?" I asked.
"Just practice. Sing something now,"
So I sang Rule the World.
"I saw the fear in my enemies eyes, one minute I held the key,"
"See, you have to practice." He said hopping out of the car with Vanessa .
"Now we should talk about your part in the cast..." Lin said.
Oh yeah! I'm officially in the cast of Hamilton!
"You could play Ensemble now, and possibly Maria or Peggy later." He said.
"Wait why Maria or Peggy ?" I asked.
"Between us, Anthony told me he was proposing to Jazz, Tomorrow so Jazzy may be to busy to hold 2 parts. She can choose the part she wants to keep for 2-4 months."
"AWESOME!" I squeal.
"So now that that's done, What time is it?" Lin asked.
"Ok, V has 11 cases ,Yoga class , and I have call, rehearsal, a ham4ham, then 2 shows. You can stay home alone for 7-8 hours right?"
"Yeah sure."
"Perfect. Have a friend over if you want, and you know about Sebastian's stuff?"
"Yes Lin." I said rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"K bye," he said running out the door.
I changed out of my new outfit into my Boston college sweatshirt, and black leggings.
"What to watch," I said flipping channels.
The Hunger Games was on so I watched the whole trilogy. But then I heard Sebastian crying. I ran upstairs and when he saw me he stopped crying.
"Sissy?" He asked.
"Where is daddy?"
"He's at work Sebastian."
"Oh. Up." He said raising his arms over his chubby head. So I lifted him and brought him downstairs.
"Dog.." He demanded.
I showed him the Snapchat filters, and he fell in love with it.
"Here," I said giving him my phone.
He's so cute. I posted the picture right as he went to sleep.
Best little brother.👶🏻😍.
I watched Modern Family for the final 4 hours.
"Hey T." Lin said, with Vanessa behind him.
"Hey. Are you doing date night tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah. We're going to the club! " Lin said, Dabbing.
We broke out laughing.
"When are you going," I asked between laughs.
"Now, bye!" Lin yelled.
Man, that guy never gets a break.
I flipped through Twitter for most of the time. Liam was right. I was blowing up on social media.
But Kyle still found a way to abuse me over Social media.
In my picture with Liam he commented,
@CoolguyKyle - He probably doesn't love you.
@CoolguyKyle-Pity Project .
Yeah that hurt. My parents told me of someone bullies you tell an adult, so I screenshoted the comments and sent them to Lin. I called my friend Abigal, that I met in Biology. We both can't stand our teacher. Abi was from an abusive family too. We have a lot in common.
"So what movie do you want to watch?" She asked.
"Rent?" I asked.
"The best."she said and I nodded.
"Oh are you watching Rent!?" Lin squealed as he came in.
We didn't even get a chance to reply. Lin was already watching. Man he is the best dad in the world.

Hello People. I am currently on a 3 hour drive. Blah. Abi_Fanzel is in this chapter. Well Abi from her book is. Ok, this book is going up like 90 reads a day, which doesn't seem like a lot but it is . Please ask questions I am really bored.

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