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^^^^^Liams Instagram picture
Oceans POV
I was rudely awoken at 7:00 am to hear people continuing a party from last night. Today is Presidents Day, but it is also the Grammys, so Dad Insisted that I sleep in.
I dragged myself downstairs, and into the living room, I was wearing plaid pajama pants, a white tank top, and my volleyball team jacket. I looked around for Dad, but , of course. He's asleep. He doesn't have a gang of 500 people swearing and drinking above him.

I figured I'd make myself breakfast, and put on decent clothes for rehearsal, but as I was making sausage, there was a giant bang outside. I instantly ran outside, to find 1,000 of tech equipment dropped on the roof of our apartment. I guess the party left. All of the equipment for the Grammys was flown from L.A, to N.Y.C. I just finished eating my breakfast when there was a hue bang on the door.
"Noise, people the Noise!" I grumbled, and threw my hands into the air. I opened the door, but I instantly flew onto my back. Thayne tackled me and he had the whole cast behind him.
"OCEAN TODAY IS THE GRAMMYS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!" He screamed, and I'm pretty sure I lost hearing in my right ear. I could see Anthony and Daveed lift him off of me, and Jazzy ran inside.
"You excited?" She dusted me off.
"Yeah! It's an honor to be nominated, but, why are you guys here so early?"
"Rehearsal, Mic Check..." she went on.
"Also, how are you awake? It's 6:00 in the morning." I was completely dumbfounded.
"There's doughnuts and coffee across the street, back stage. So I'm 67% caffeine, 33% adrenaline. Feel free to grab some if you'd like."
        "Thanks!" The Grammys were at the theatre across the street.

I pulled my jacket close to my chest, and walked barefoot to the theatre.
  Jazzy was right, they had a mountain of doughnuts on a table backstage.
          "Hehe," I snuck over a grabbed 3 doughnuts. I figured Dad would want one when he woke up, and two for me. As I attempted to run back home I bumped into Liam.
"Hey! What are you doing, up so early?" He sat me down on a nearby bench.
     My face was covered in chocolate, so I said, "Doughnuts," I got a laugh as a response.
  "Wait here," he pulled out his phone and took a picture of me, "There now the whole world can see how adorable you are," he held out his phone and I looked at the photo. I laughed aswell.
"Listen, I gotta go, but I'll see you later!" And this time I actually ran home. Dad was officially awake, and he was in his "rehearsal clothes."
      "Hey Niñita! How's my favorite Grammy winner!?" He beamed. I handed the doughnut, beamed, and ran to get ready for rehearsal. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a black leather coat, then I ran to mic check. I was already 15 minutes late. 

I bolted into rehearsal, then I took a deep breath. They were waiting for me , but they were really mad. I ran onstage once more even though I was out of breath.
     "Just rap something, we have 300 other people." The stage manager rolled his eyes as I begun. I just rapped Guns and Ships because it was the best rap song. After that I walked off stage, grabbed some coffee and sat down. I watched the cast do there mic check, Oh, if you want to know anything about a person, see what song they sing at a mic check.

The Rodgers ordered pizza for lunch and I was exorbitantly grateful. I didn't have to make a meal, and I got free pizza. Leslie and I sat together and ate.

"How does it feel to be nominated?" He looked at me as if I had three heads.

" You were nominated. 3 times. At 16. So the real question is... how does it feel to be nominated at your age?" He took his 4th slice of anchovy pizza. (Me-Is that a thing?)

I had to think about that question for a minute.
"It's a true honor, really," I attempted to explain.
   "I must say it was no surprise to see you nominated," he patted my back.
"I just don't want to take anything for granted, ya know? I worked my whole life getting abused, and tortured, and having cancer." Leslie gave my a sad but understanding smile. Then he grabbed his final slice off pizza, and walked to rehearsal.

I was unfortunately not able to perform with Hamilton because immediately after I was singing Memory from Cats. I don't think that is a good song with my Alto voice, but I don't get a say in what I sing. So I sat back in the auditorium, watching my friends and family reherse to take home a Grammy.

"Ouch!" I squeaked, while Pippa twisted my hair into a french braid.

"Come on Ocean, Your first grammys have to be perfect!" I was already in my dress, but now I was 90% sure my scalp was bleeding. I gave her a quick eye roll, but gave her a small hug as well. Does attempt to kill someone through there hair count as murder?

"You're over look beautiful." She took me by the shoulders and dragged me towards a mirror. She placed my hands loosely in front of me.
"You're so gorgeous Ocean," but I bursts into tears.
     "Ocean..." But I just cried.
"I can't even look at myself in the mirror with hating myself. And people just giving me compliments doesn't help. I just want to be better." I fell into Pippas arms, and cried. And cried. And cried. Pippa eventually fixed up my makeup, wiped away a tear, then walked down stairs with me.

Lin was waiting a block away where the red carpet is.
"My little girl..." he hugged me, and he let a few tears loose.
"Lin? What's wrong?" I looked at him longingly.
"It's just,you're so grown up. But what do I know!? Go get your boyfriend!" He kissed my cheek and pushed me away.
            Liam was waiting for  me at the entrance of the red carpet. We gave each other the nod, and walked in.
    I went blind for about 2 hours.
Pls do not kill me pls. Rest of chapter coming up! This ones long and I'm proud of it!

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