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My Muse

One more thing about me: I have a secret. Although I have relied my entire life on my intuition and intelligence to provide me with answers, two years ago I experienced a miracle while napping in the forest, and that has forever changed the way I think about the world and my place in it. I was contacted by a "Muse." I know it sounds crazy, but a strange being from a higher plane took sympathy with my search for knowledge and amazingly chose my to be a receptacle for divine and otherworldly insight.


As preposterous as it sounds, this being had provided me, again and again, with eerily accurate tips and predictions that have aided me in my studies.

Is this being a spirit, an alien, a dream, or merely part of my overactive imagination?

Ultimately, interpretation is irrelevant. He is a fickle being who is unpredictable and only shows up when I least expect it. But I am always eager and ready for the next time he wishes to bestow his rare insights on my mind.

NOTE TO SELF: Must keep this a complete secret. If anyone finds out about this, they will surely think I am insane, and my grant money may be revoked. It is best to leave this part of my research in the shadows. Now, back to my investigations!


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