Author's Note

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Hello there! This is the author of the Wattpad story, Stanley's girlfriend.

Nah, but seriously, Bell@ here. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do any author notes for this fic, but I really gotta.

From here on out, the layout of this book is going to change a bit. You all know that Ford had made his own journal at the beginning of summer. It's what he's been writing in this entire time, while the remaining half of the original journal remains blank. The Pine Tree journal, after this, will be back in the hands of Dipper Pines. But Ford will keep his own journal, so he's still gonna have entries. How to fix this?

The chapters will still be titled the page numbers. (Once I'm done with this book, I'm gonna go back and change all the titles) Above each entry will be either 'Dipper's Journal' or 'Ford's Journal', that way you know who's writing. THESE WORDS WILL NOT BE PART OF THE ACTUAL ENTRY. When they each have an entry about the same day, usually both entries will be in the same chapter. For example:


Bla bla bla today I returned from the portal.


More facts n stuff



Oh my gosh today the Author came out of the portal!!!


I can't believe I met the Author!

You get the idea? Good. Because I didn't think this whole thing through, and I'm too deep to jump out now.

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