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Stan and Bella here! Ford asked us to write about love potions because he's busy hanging with the teens while they all try to cut their overpriced Woodstick admission wrist-bands off with a hacksaw.

I refuse to tell them the easy way to get them off. It's funny watching them try!


-Love potion is STRONG! It made a Slytherun and a Pufflepuff fall in love, and they have NOTHING in common!

-Anti-Love Potion seems awful. I smelled it (didn't wanna risk tasting it) and it smells like garbage. No thanks, buster!

-BOI! I just read the label on the bottle and saw that love potion isn't permanent. It only lasts for three hours. After that, if the love isn't real, it doesn't stick. I guess it's just a nudge. I wonder how the Snufflepuff is doing.

-Wait a minute... it's been 10 hours and Shandra and Stacey are still making out! We can see them out the window! It's totally gross- but it means t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ their love is actually real! Maybe we ARE great matchmakers after all!

Love is super cute! I totally love love- any kind of love!

Haha I think you said "love" too many times.

I love loving the lovable word 'love'.


This is what comes from Mabel's creative streak.

This terrifying Gravity Falls oddity was created by Mabel for once! She scared (and scarred) a large crowd of people with this thing, saying she just wanted to have fun.

After this horror show crashed, Holt + Roy shot at it for about 10 minutes to make sure it was "dead." Then children stomped on it and spat in its face.

Note- Call me crazy, but I keep thinking I'm seeing those government agents everywhere.... Maybe I just feel guilty for letting them get eaten by zombies....

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