Pages 155+156

34 1 0

Greetings. This is Tracey (aka Stanford #3), officially taking over authorship of the journal. Stanford #4 (aka Quattro) and I were given the task of distracting Stacey by stealing her bike. After leaving it in the woods, we returned to our birthday party just in time to witness "Ford Classic" betray our Clone Bretheren. We watched in horror as he melted them with a sprinkler. Why would he do such a thing? I would never do such a thing, so how could he? He is me! Or, he is we! Anyway, you get the point.

Quattro and I are hiding in the bedroom closet, waiting for F.C.'s return. When the party ends + Ford Classic Falls asleep, we will put plan C into action- we will take over his life and start dating Dan. Ford Classic will live in the closet. I've got it all worked out. It's what he would do if he was us. (Which he is.)

Clone Schedule

Sun: Quattro, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, All Day Date with Dan, Debrief

Mon: Tracey, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, Work, Eat*, Work, Date w/ Dan, Debrief

Tue: Quattro, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, Work, Eat*, Work, Date w/ Dan, Debrief

Wed: Tracey, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, Work, Eat*, Work, Date w/ Dan, Debrief

Thu: Quattro, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, Work, Eat*, Work, Date w/ Dan, Debrief

Fri: alternate, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, Work, Eat*, Work, Date w/ Dan, Debrief

Sat: Tracey, S̶h̶o̶w̶e̶r̶, Eat*, All Day Date with Dan, Debrief

*NO liquids!


Just reviewed the plan with Quattro and he isn't happy with how I split up the days! He thinks it's unfair that I get Saturday and he gets Sunday. I explained to him that it all balances out fairness-wise, because I'm the one who took the time to make up this chart and figure all of this out. I mean, what has he done? Sit in the corner reading and eating cheese crackers- that's what!

Boy, I really get on my nerves sometimes! Hey, is someone coming? Why did I write that? OH, NO!

Original Stanford here!

I came back from my birthday party and heard myself arguing with myself in the closet. I opened the door to find 3 and 4 inside. I was so happy to see those guys. I'd forgotten all about them! They took one look at the Pitt Cola in my hand, however, and freaked out, said "You'll never get us!", and ran out of the room and into the woods before I had a chance to explain. 

Kinda worried about those dudes. It's supposed to rain tomorrow.

On the bright side, guess who just danced with Dan on his thirteen birthday???

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