Pages 267+268

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Well Ford may be done writing for now, but we're not! Fidds and I were thinking of leaving a surprise for the next time Ford and Stan see this journal. Kinda like a page of things we were too nervous to say face-to-face. So here we go!

What to write, what to write.

I never thought in a million years that my summer would ever be as awesome as this one was. I never thought that I'd have friends almost as awesome as Fidds, and I never thought I'd have such an amazing boyfriend!

STAN! You even agreed to call me a bifriend instead of a girlfriend! I don't think you even realize how big of a deal that is for me! Fiddleford is the only person I know who ever respected my gender like that. Thank you so much ❤ You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You're funny, sweet, and really cute (inside and outside)! Please don't change, ok?

AND FORD! Don't think I forgot about you. You made my BFF the happiest he's ever been. You're so awesome for that. You're as much of a brother to me as Fidds is at this point. You're unique, smart, so creative, and best of all, weird! And weird is such a good thing. Don't forget that!! And don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!

I love both of you so much. Stay awesome. ❤❤


I suppose it's time for me to write. I ain't sure exactly what to write. Bella's already said everything so perfectly.

Stanley, I really can't thank you enough. You are an amazing friend. A best friend. You stayed by our side the entire summer. I can't think of a single time you let me or Bella get hurt. You made this summer really fun. Thank you.

Stanford. I don't even know what I can write to express my thoughts. You're smart, nice, we have so much in common, and you're, well... weird. I know Bella already said it, but it's so cute. You are. I really do love you. I know we haven't been together for very long, but after reading through the page on the day we started dating and seeing how scared you were to ruin our friendship... I felt the same way.

I love you, Ford. And you too, Stan. Both of you. Thanks for being here for both me and Bella.

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