Pages 195+196

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Just returned from our second trip to the future, and I'd be happy to never go back there again! The creepiest part of the whole experience?

Time Baby

Apparently, in the future this guy rules the entire planet with a chubby dimpled fist! In the year 207̃12, everyone obeys him, all schools pledge allegiance to him, and he gums to death anyone who causes him trouble.

Booming voice. Surprisingly eloquent for a baby, although still says "pasghetti" and "libary."

Laser eyes that can zap you into dust. Easily distracted by jingling keys, though.

Can't walk, instead floats in this strange hover-diaper (which seems to be able to control the rotation of Earth).

Drinks "Cosmic Milk" out of a bottle the size of a skyscraper. When he is burped, it measures on the Richter scale.

He can be strangely merciful when he's not going into a tantrum or making his citizens fight to the death over a time wish. He gave Blendin his job back before retiring to "NAP FOR 2,000 YEARS!" I'm sure he meant just 20 minutes. He's also responsible for Ria getting...


The Infinity Pizza
A slice of pizza that Ria (and only Ria) can keep eating forever.

Regeneration! ∞

Acquired by Blendin during Globnar. (Don't ask.)

Anyone can take a bite but it will only regenerate after Ria has eaten it. This is why it can't solve world hunger- only Ria's mouth has the magic! (Did I really just write that?)

Ria can asked for different toppings and the pizza will obey. I don't know how the pizza can understand her with her mouth full.

Ria is building the pizza a triangular carrying case make out of sandalwood and leather. Looks like she's carrying the world's tiniest, most triangular ukulele.

Grease Stain

It may be infinite, but it's also kind of greasy. Ria should have also asked for infinite napkins.

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