Pages 63+64

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My Girlfriend/Assistant

The past few days have been the most energizing I've had since I came to this town! I don't think I realized just how isolated I'd become until C moved in, and her brilliant mind and amusing quirks have made this task infinitely more enjoyable.

I've told her no flute playing after nine.

Not a fan of her gum-chewing habit. (She chews pretty loudly.) She grew up with a mother who worked in a sweet shop, so I supposed old vices die hard. She casually hums while working, too. It's rather cute and sweet, actually.

I double-check my equations. She quintuple-checks!


I often catch her staring at this photo of the family reunion I was invited to a few years back. She says thinking of her loved ones keeps her grounded. (I have a similar picture on my desk of Nikola Tesla.)

"Portable Computer"- her pet project. Honestly not sure why she would use this thing- it's just a heavy, slow journal.

Since she's an expert at building things that help improve the human body, she's invented a few things to help me feel more comfortable, including boxers for my menstrual cycle and a machine that informs me when my hair is getting longer than I'd like it! (As some of the time, I'm too busy to notice.)

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