Pages 203+204

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Against all odds,

I'm Back

I never thought in a thousand years that I would hold this book again. The weight of it in my hands and the smell of its parchment whisks my memory back to the tragic accident that forever changed my life.

Although I was not around to record it, 30 years ago I got into a fight with my sister and was knocked through my very own interdimensional portal into a universe beyond imagination.

The last three decades have been frightening, exciting, cruel, and strange, and as I find myself back in my old study, writing in my old journal, it is hard to shake the feeling that I have awoken from a bizarre 30-year dream....


How is it that I am back? It turns out that despite my warnings and the possibility of global catastrophe, Mabel managed to re-activate the portal and bring me back to my home dimension. While her intentions might have been pure, she was just as careless bringing me back as she was knocking me through in the first place. She destroyed the portal in the process, risked endangering the entire fabric of reality, and even found herself the target of a federal manhunt by the U.S. government (a logical progression from her days in the principal's office).

If it weren't for Candy's memory ray, I'd likely be writing from some secret government prison by now. Fortunately, as far as the government is concerned, our encounter never happened. (Trigger and Powers will likely get déjà vu the next time they hear the words "Gravity Falls," and probably nothing more.)

But I should not dwell on the past. There will be time enough to ruminate on my years spent traveling through the dimensional rift and the strange things I saw there.

First, I most focus on the present and on the problems created by a woman who is responsible for my latest twist of fate....




Ow. Thanks, Stan. Okay, no, it's not a dream. The Author, my long lost great uncle, came through the portal today. I actually met the Author!

After we escaped from Trigger, we ran back to the Shack to try and clear Mabel's name. Long story short, we found a bunch of fake identities in her office and found a code that ended up leading to the vending machine. After getting Bella and Fiddleford on our side and getting past Ria, who was guarding the vending machine, we discovered a secret basement!

We almost shut down the portal and would have completely if Mabel hadn't run in and stop us. Stan was about to press the button and I tried to tell him to, but luckily he didn't. Graunty Mabel wasn't building a doomsday device at all- she was trying to bring her twin brother back! And that same twin brother turned out to be the Author of the original journal!

Stan and I are up in our room now, and as soon as I finish this entry I'm going to sleep. Stan's at the door listening downstairs. Well, that's really all there is to write. Hopefully I can sleep, I'm so excited!

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