Pages 183+184

70 2 0

July 23,

Wow. The last few days have been more stressful than the rest of the summer put together. First we went up against a horde of zombies, and now we've faced and defeated the Shapeshifter. It almost feels like the journal itself is fighting us since I took my vow to find the Author, like it doesn't want its secrets revealed....

Well that sounds super paranoid and maybe even a little insane. I'm going to bed.

Ugh. It's 3 AM and I've barely slept. Bella was right- every time I fall asleep I start having nightmares about the Shapeshifter. But it's worse when I'm awake 'cause I just start thinking about Dan and how I confessed my feelings. I wish I could shapeshift into someone else right now. Someone having a normal summer vacation without an impossibly gay crush on an impossibly straight boy.

Stan said something about Fiddleford liking me. Maybe I should look into that....

Nah. It's probably just Stanley being Stanley.


At least one good thing came out of our encounter with the Shapeshifter.


Fiddleford says this thing is really old. Like super old. 1980s old.

There are some unique keys with weird symbols. Are they in code? Magical? Alien???

Calling this thing a "laptop" is kind of a stretch. It's so heavy it would cut off the circulation to your legs.

Who knows what information is hidden inside? If Fiddleford can get this thing fixed, it could be the clue that finally solves the big mysteries of Gravity Falls!

Or it might just be filled with some classic 8-bit games. Either way it's a win.

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