Pages 239+240

35 1 0


The Oracle

I was suddenly sucked out of the 2-D dimension, and I blacked out. When I awoke, I found myself in a strange mountaintop shrine surrounded by clouds, looking up at a 7-eyed creature, Jheselbraum the Unswerving.

She told me I was in Dimension 52, and that she had been treating my wounds for a long time. Strangely, she seemed to already know my name and what my mission was.



Whether she was psychic or had just read my wanted poster is hard to say. But she had some stunning insight about Bill. She said that if I truly wanted to face him again, I would have to protect my mind- and that she could help me, but it would require putting a metal plate in my head with difficult surgery. Maybe it was the thin mountain air, but I agreed instantly.

For a week, as I recovered, we had many long conversations about Bill. Apparently, his thirst for power caused him to destroy his home dimension- including his parents and everyone else he'd ever known. She spoke of him without anger, but with a calm, steely, clinical resolve to see his reign of terror end. She looked deep into my eyes and said that I had the face of a man who was destined to destroy Bill. I was so excited that we spent the entire night partying and drinking Cosmic Sand- the very same kind Time Baby himself consumes. When I awoke the next morning, she was gone and I was in another dimension entirely. It was time to continue my quest.

I sometimes wonder where she is now & how she knew so much about me....

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