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The Do-Over Dimension

Also known as the Yo-Yo Dimension and the Go Insane Because Nothing Gets Done Dimension (the last name being the most accurate but the least poetic). This is a world where time moves both forward and backward in a seemingly random manner. So you may have a really crummy week but then get a chance to do it all over again. Or just as you complete high school, you may live backward all the way to kindergarten.

The Do-Over Dimension can move forward normally for really long spans of time or "yo-yo" back and forth several times in one day. Professional "timelineologists" are like weathermen who try to accurately predict "what the time will be like" on any given day.

As the old saying here goes, "one step forward, infinite steps back, then two and a half steps forward, for no discernable reason."


The main problem with the Do-Over Dimension is that you remember every time you relive each section of your life. This may sound great at first- who hasn't wanted a chance to "do over" some aspect of their life? But let's see how it actually plays out...

TIME 1 It's been 6 months since you moved into your first apartment and things have gotten pretty messy. And now you've only got 2 hours to clean up before your new girlfriend sees the place for the first time.
RESULT 1 She is horrified at the mess and leaves early.


TIME 2 It's been 5 1/2 months since you've moved into your first apartment and things have gotten pretty messy. But you've got 2 weeks to clean up and redecorate before your new girlfriend sees the place for the first time. It's a lot of work, but you make the place into a palace.
RESULT 2 She asks you to marry her.


TIME 3 It's only been 5 months since you've moved into your first apartment. It's as messy as before and you remember how much work it was to get it in shape last time. You're not really ready to go through all that again. You do a basic cleanup and get some new curtains.


TIME 4 It's only been 1 day since you've moved into your first apartment. Everything is still in boxes and you don't even have a girlfriend yet.
RESULT 4 You decide to leave everything in boxes and play video games all day.

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