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Unlike the dimensions I've already described, many dimensions in the multiverse are "parallel Earths," very similar to my dimension, but with a few major differences.

There are parallel Earths where dinosaurs still rule (one way or another).

And ones where dolphins (rather than Homo sapiens) took over as the dominant species after the dinosaurs went extinct. (These dolphin Earths invariably have the best water parks.)

There's a dimension where all music is just screaming, one where tennis balls chase dogs, and one where everyone is the same- except they're all babies. I didn't linger there too long- I don't care for being spit up on.


A Better World

But after nearly 30 years of dimension-hopping, I came upon a parallel Earth almost identical to our own. There was at least one crucial difference.

On this Earth, I was never pushed into the portal by Mabel.

On this Earth, my sister listened to me and took Journal 1 away from Gravity Falls.

On this Earth, I reunited with Candy, and together we created a Dimensional Vortex Neutralizer that allowed us to use the portal without any risk of a connection to Bill's Nightmare Realm.

On this Earth, I was able to get surgery, and Candy and I were able to start a family- with two children.

By the time I visited this parallel Earth, my parallel self was a celebrated star of the scientific community, and my small cabin in Gravity Falls had become the sprawling International Institute of Oddology.

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